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Malia and Derek arrived at the clinic 10 minutes later, they managed to call Argent to give them a ride and to transport the unconscious vampire. They exited the vehicle and got within a couple of metres of the door before they stopped, all sounds were drowned when they heard a loud scream of pain; now it wasn't Lydia it, it was Scott. Three eyes widened at what they heard and Malia wasted no time in swinging the door open and running in.

Scott lay on the metal table, arm and shoulder wrapped up in a sling, sweat dripping all over his body. Malia approached the table, worry and sympathy in her eyes. Scott looked at her, "hey" he managed to say. She gave him a small smile, "hey, you okay?" Malia replied, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Yeah, should be healed in a few hours"

"When he came in so of his bones had already started healing in the wrong position so i had to break them again the reset them" Deaton explained, slightly interrupting them.

Malia just looked back down at her boyfriend, "I'm just glad you okay" she spoke before grasping his face and giving him kiss.

Derek stood by Stiles and Lydia in the corner of the room going over what happened. They brought the vampire in and dosed him with kanima venom before duck taping him to a chair, in the other corner of the room. Whilst Derek was explaining what happened and what there next move should be, Stiles drowned everything out as he noticed something in the room behind him, it was something in the table with a white cloth over it, at first he thought it must of been an animal but then after closer inspections realised that it was too big. Whilst everyone was occupied in the conversation Stiles snuck off to see what it was.

He snuck into the room and stood by the table, when getting closer to it Stiles realised that there was a body underneath. He slowly and reluctantly pulled the cloth off the body, what he saw though he was not mentally prepared for, his eyes met the beheaded head of Kate and the headless body and immediately memories of the night she attacked flashed in his mind. He took a step back, feeling his breaths becoming ragged and shallow, he gripped onto the counter behind him still looking at the body, he clenched his eyes shut trying to get rid of the image. Breathing heavily he heard footsteps enter the room and the cloth being pulled back over the body, he then felt hands on his face and he opened his eyes wearily.

"Hey, hey Stiles look at me, your fine" Lydia said. His breathing was still frantic, "Derek pass me my bag"
Derek gave her, her bag and she rummaged through finding the inhaler. She gave stiles a couple of puffs before his breathing returned to normal, he rested his head on her shoulder as she stroked his neck.

"Im gonna get some air" he finally spoke. Lydia just nodded, rubbing his back before he left.

Lydia joined the others again all of them had a look of confusion and worry. "How longs that been going on?" Malia asked.

"It started last night, he woke up and couldn't breath, he said that every time he closed his eyes he saw her" Lydia explained

"Sounds like some PTSD" Deaton spoke.

Lydia nodded agreeing with him, "listen I'm going to take him home, he needs rest, I will see you guys tomorrow for Liams party"

Derek left aswell, shortly followed by Deaton as Malia wanted to stay with Scott as he healed and keep an eye on the vampire, maybe ask him a few questions. That night Lydia told Stiles about what happened to Kate and he had a semi-restless night, I think knowing that she was dead put his mind to rest a bit but doesn't change that fact that he is haunted by her.

Sorry for the short part and sorry if some of it is a bit repetitive, but just trying to fill some gaps before the party and the final fight. Next part should be out tomorrow or next day.

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