Majin Goku X Female Saiyan Reader Lemon Remake

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-Hi again. I know it's crazy but the original fanfic of the same title only gets half of expectations. So for YuGiOhfan1999, I will remake this fanfic over again and do hope this is better than the first one. Please enjoy and comment which one is better: the original or the remake.

Goku and Super Majin Buu are facing in a battle; it is the battle for survival. Ever since Babidi awaken the monster form his slumber in his cocoon, Majin Buu has been terrorizing Earthlings of the entire planet. The bastard not only turn them into candies, but he also absorbed his sons and his friends. After absorbing them, he became Super Buu. Goku is angry and decided to settle the score for good. But he rushed his time after being revived by Elder Kai's choice of switching life will be wasted. Goku and Buu fight each other, punching and kicking each other as they also throw their Ki abilities at each other. But what they don't know is their battle attracted someone with big power.

Meanwhile in a small wintery town, the town is all empty; since Majin Buu tuned the citizens into candy, it's been vacant. Except only one survived from the attack. A young woman named (Y/n)-Chan stood there, crying her tears out as she raised her Ki. She's (height) that makes her stand out as a strong person. Her weight is (weight) with curvy body that make her look sexy. Her (length) black hair is spiky, hanging low to (where they stop you prefer). Her black eyes are only seen shortly as her tears filled them up while crying. She also has (size) pair of breasts; something that every man wants to touch. But even if he tries to do it, she will beat the crap out of him and ran off. She wears her casual plain (color) t-shirt, (color) baggy sweat pants, (color) shoes, and wears a bandana from above her hairline and tied it behind her hair.

She witnessed the attack, watching all her families, friends, and the rest of the people got devoured by the monster Majin Buu. She contemplates what's happening as she tries to find a way to stop him. Twenty years ago, she was send to Earth as a baby to wipe them out. But her parents and siblings found her in the space pod and raised her as their own. Over the years, she helped out her family with farming, trains everyday to protect her town from thieves and robbers, and she always love to eat her favorite dessert at Mr. Jimby's Diner, (insert favorite dessert here). During her teenage years, she has no idea where she came from; except her father told her when they found her and she used to have a tail.

 He cut it off so no one knows her origin. But she found the answer when she went up to the attic last week; she found a note along with the space pod that she was in it. The note reads, "(Y/n)-Chan, remember who you are. You're a strong and powerful Saiyan. We need you to live and avenge us against Freiza who probably destroyed us all by the time you read this. We love you. Love Mom and Dad" After all this time, she was an alien that she never knew they existed and realized that she has full potential of protecting her planet from invaders. Just as she finished remembering her past, she sensed two powerful Kis; she also manage to sense other Kis whenever her mind does it. Her mind tells her to go south towards Satan City area. She nods and knows what to do, she must stop him before it's too late. She immediately take flight into the air, heading towards her destination.

Back with Goku and Majin Buu, they're both tired while catching their breaths. Goku is already tired and cannot find a way to stop him. He has no choice except one thing: he needs to use his Spirit Bomb full power. Unfortunately, he and Buu noticed a Ki heading towards them; in a flash, a young woman stood there in the air. Goku noticed her familiar appearance and realized that she's one of them. "Oi!", he shouted at her, "Are you a Saiyan?" (Y/n)-Chan noticed the way he calls her and nods, "Yeah, so?" Just as he was about to fly to her quickly, Buu manage to morph into a blob and absorbs Goku from behind. She gasps, "No!", she yells, watching the monster transforming into a different version of himself. 

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