SSJ4 Gogeta X Kidnapped, Abused, & Locked Up Child Reader

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Requested by YuGiOhfan1999

It was a terrible life for (Y/n)-Chan: a miserable, bruised and beaten child who has been a prisoner to an infamous gang of Yakuza Mafia. Since birth, her/his parents were blessed to have a child in their lives. However, his/her father owed massive debt to the mafia which they threaten them many times until they managed to move out secretly and out of sight. But lately, they found out the parents changed their identities and found their current street address. After the leader send his men to their house, they trashed the place and abducted the poor infant.

Her father is alright, only bruised and bloody from a broken nose. But they managed to harm his wife and she was send hospitalized. But the father panicked as he found a letter by the leader, "(Father's name), if you truly wish to want your daughter/son back, you must listen and give back the money you borrowed. Signed, (leader's name). The father sigh in despair, "What have I done?"

After they brought the child to the leader's hide out, she was only nursed until age three. Once she's old enough to be potty trained and weaned off, they locked her in a room. She/he would cry for hours, waking up the men. Occasionally, the leader send the guards to shut her up, beat her/his face. Cannot find any comfort, (Y/n)-Chan can only hugged him/herself to sleep; hoping to find a way to leave this place.

After ten years of hell and misery, (Y/n)-Chan is a ten-year-old boy/girl.

If (Y/n)-Chan's a boy: he is three-foot-tall and five inches. A skinny boy with boney limbs. He has (length) (color) hair, (color) eyes, a pair of (size) ears, and a birthmark on his (left or right) cheek.

If (Y/n)-Chan's a girl: she is a three-foot-tall girl with skinny body, boney limbs with her ribcage seen on her body. Her hair is (length) and (color), (color) eyes, (color) shaded lips, a pair of (size) ears, and a birthmark on her (left or right) side cheek.

For both genders: he/she wears nothing except a brown sack as his/her clothes and is bare foot. He/she is more bruised and miserable, wanting someone to rescue her/him and back to her/his parents. During the years, guards would bring in food, but some of them would throw them on the floor. Forcing her/him to clean the mess up, the poor girl/boy has no choice but to eat off the mess. After she/he finished cleaning the mess, the leader came into the room. The child look up at him, puzzled. The leader smirked and punch her/his face. Now her/his nose is broken.

"Alright kid", said the leader, "Looks like your old man failed you. I guess it's time to end you!" Guards came in the room, carry their guns and whips, and aim at the child. (Y/n)-Chan began to cry and cover her/his face, bracing for the end of his/her life. "HHHHEEELLLP!! SOMEONE SAVE MEEEE!", he/she exclaimed, preparing for death.

Suddenly, they heard the wall exploded. They turn and gasp in shock. (Y/n)-Chan flinched, open her/his eyes and turn to see. He/she gasp as he/she saw a strange tall man with spiky red-ish hair, with blue eyes, and a strange outfit. The child looks further down and noticed the man's upper body is covered in red fur too. The mafia's leader seethed, angrily stared at the strange man, "Who the hell are you?" The man smirked and posed, "I am Gogeta, in Super Saiyan Four form. And I heard you stole a child and keep her/him imprisoned for ten years. So, I'm here to take him/her home where she/he belongs!"

The leader and his goons cackled evilly, and looks at Gogeta. "Looks like you have a death wish! Take him down boys!", exclaimed the leader and took the child away from the room. The men clicked their guns and began to shoot Gogeta. But after they wasted all their bullets, they gasp, cannot see Gogeta. Out of nowhere, Gogeta flint behind them and land a blow on their necks. The men fainted, out cold, and fell on the floor.

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