Freiza X Female Neko Reader (Bit of lemon)

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Requested by AmethystTiger. 

The Freiza Force army are invading a weak planet, habitant of a dying race that survived for many years. Despite having their age stopped after they cannot reproduce offspring, they are weak and they'll die from anything especially by freak accidents. Or a strong army. It's a horrible day: many cat-like beasts died inaction, their corpses tossed aside, and capturing the rest, old and young, to the black market. As the last two soldiers finished tossing the bodies, one of their scouters is acting up weird. "Hm?", he hums, "What's this!? A power level at 5000?!?" His other friend looked shocked, "What?! Impossible!" Their scouters indicates that it's coming from the forest. They gulped, heard that it has scary creatures living there. They walked into he forest, bracing for themselves as they find this their very last.

Walking around for an hour, their scouters received their commanders call to report to Freiza's ship. They are nervous, realized that their lost. Turning on the flashlights, they continued scouting the area. Leaves rustled, startled the soldiers. They look around, seen nothing. Their ears heard another rustling, getting closer. They look around them, almost spinning around. Until the third rustle coming from behind them. Just as they turned behind them, a dark figure jumped. "AHHHHH!!!", they both screamed in unison. It landed on both of them, pinned them on the ground. They shudder in fear, bracing to be devoured.

But as one of their flashlights shines at the figure, they both gasp in awe: the dark scary figure is a happy and cute looking neko girl. "Mew!", she cooed at them, nudging her head on one of their faces. They smiled, find her very cute creature. This creature is a neko girl, mostly her skin is covered in fluffy fur, has cat ears and tail. She also seem to have a human like (color) iris with her cat like pupil. Her fingers and toes has sharp claws above them, but is tucked away. She has black human hair on her head. 

They note themselves that her fur resembles to Earthling's Tiger pattern with a (color) color. But she also has human like mouth and nose. As well as her palms are also like human. They push her off lightly and stand up, she scoots over them and nudge on his hand. He looked at her surprised, petting her head. "What the? What is she doing here?", the first soldier said. "Yeah", replied the other soldier, "She almost looks like the cat beast race except...she looks more like a cat." They look at her, seeing her giving them her cute cat eyes, begging for attention. They nod, guide her to walk on her two back legs and brought her to the ship.

Meanwhile, Freiza is at his chamber, sitting in his chair. He tapped his fingers in boredom, awaiting any good news from his army. But all he received are meetings and collecting planets for profit. He sigh, bored as hell. He groaned in frustration, "I swear to Kami if I don't get any better new, I will...", he muttered in irritation; until he received a new call, coming from a soldier's scouter. He pressed the button and open the call, "What is it? This better be good!", he said in a scary tone. The voice cleared up, "Lord Freiza, while we annihilate the cat beasts, we also found a cat like female in the forest. We are heading towards the ship and we'll show her to you." Freiza hums in curiosity, he thought for a moment and shrug his shoulders. "Berryblue, escort the two soldiers and their prisoner to me." "Yes Lord Freiza", Berryblue replied.

Waiting for five minutes, his patience is paid off as he heard the door opened. Four footsteps entered the room. "I brought the men in question my lord", said Berryblue. Freiza turn his head behind and looked dumbfounded. Instead of looking at the men, he's staring directly at her. His red eyes glimmered, felt his heart beat hard. He never encountered something so special and rare before, not since his early childhood; where he seen many rare species which he destroyed. But he felt no need to destroy this one. This creature did resembles like a Tiger except with (color) color on her fur, human like (color) iris, mouth, and palms. Her cat ears perk up as she noticed him looking at her. He turned around and walks towards her. His mind wondered: "Those lovely eyes. Those ears and tail. And look all that fluffy fur on her~" He stops in front of her, looking at her closely. He blushed a little as he noticed she also has breasts covered in her fur, making her chest stand out. He snapped out his mind, looked shocked that she's a foot taller than his height.

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