Hit X Reader Lemon

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Requested by NellyWoe. Please enjoy.

Hit: the infamous assassin of universe 6. A man over a thousand years old. The purple skinned man wears his usual assassin clothes: monotone in dark grey. His red eyes scanned the area, looking for someone. But who can he/she be? About a month ago, Hit was requested to meet the boss of a group infamous mafia. Hit begrudgingly accepts the job, understands the objective and he will be paid fairly. But once the leader showed his target, Hit gave them a surprised look. They showed him a hologram image of a young woman, exactly twenty-one years old. She may look poor as a poor living status, she's actually the long lost daughter of the oldest mafia families. History said that her family is famous for the discovery of creating a new product for soldiers to be unstoppable against terrorists.

But their arch rivals send in the spy who revealed the family's formula and killed the entire blood line. But recently, they discovered that the young woman was send away to another planet by the name Earth. Because she's the only member left, she has the right to claim her family's secrets. But the enemies won't let that happened and began tracking her down ever since three months ago. The big mafia man looks at hit seriously, "Your only objective is to bring her to us, protect her from enemies, and we can be able to help her resume the family bloodline. Hit looks at the hologram and back at the leader, "So I take it that you already planned on having her marry your oldest son?", he asked. The leader nods, "Indeed, my family is long-time friends with her family and we're all need to make her line pure blooded. There will be no mistakes or else you'll be sorry. Are we clear?" Hit nods, took the hologram and the coordinates to Earth, left the hideout to begin his travel.

After fast travel, two days later, Hit finally arrived at universe 6's planet Earth. He already used time skip to stow away into a ship and are heading to the planet's surface. Hit has been looking at the hologram of his target: a young girl who's only at age eighteen. Hit is puzzled why someone like her is born from a famous mafia and ends up being a normal young teen. Hit's red eyes scans her face: a perfect face, blushed in light pink, long eye lashes, (color) eyes, and (color) shaded lips. He was mesmerized by her lips, thinking how she tasted. Until he felt a bump, notice the ship arrived at the docking bay. After the door opens, Hit used time skip again, easily slips away from the ship and entered into the shipping truck. He saw the driver's delivery list and saw the address where the target lives. After time starts moving, Hit rested in the back of the storage as the truck exit the facility.

But once the truck left, unknown to the assassin is being followed. Two dark figures spied on him, saw him in the truck and left the building. One of them took out a communication walkie talkie and pressed the button. "Hey boss", he said through the speaker, "Hit the assassin made it and found our target's location." "Excellent", replied the voice through the speaker, "Made sure to finish him and bring her to me." The call end and the two went into the car, leaving the area and start following the truck's trail.

One hour later, the truck made a quick stop for a break. Hit saw the driver in the diner and he groaned, now losing time. But then he heard a loud ringing, coming from another building that looks like a school building. The doors opened, a crowd of students leaving the area. He find it annoying to hear them chatting about their daily routine, drama, and gossip. His red eyes grew wide, finally see his target. 

The target's name is (Y/n) (L/n): daughter of the famous mafia. A (height) girl with (weight) weight; with slim arms, thick thighs, and curvy hips. Her school uniform consisted of white sleeveless shirt with a (color) necktie bandana, (color) leather shoes, (color) stockings, and (short or long) (color) skirt with stripes of (color) on the bottom. She carries her usual brown school bag, clinging on top of her right shoulder. Again, Hit is now mesmerized by her face, now in person. Her fair (color) skin shined from the sunlight, showing off the glossy shine. Her long eye lashes moved as she opens her eyes, greeting her school friends. He stared into her (color) eyes, shined by the sun. Her lips formed a shiny smile, full of happy and friendly attitude. Her lips shaded in (color), placing his first index finger tracing on his lips, imagining him tracing her lips. His eyes notice her (size) breasts bounced as she accidently bumped into a high school boy; watching them apologize, Hit growled; thinking that kid would do something fishy with her.

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