Yandere Goku X Female Saiyan Reader X Yandere Vegeta

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Requested by YuGiOhfan1999. Please enjoy.

Goku and Vegeta are staying at (Y/n)-Chan's house, helping her clean the house as she cook. After all these years of being happily married to their own wives, both Chichi and Bulma filed divorce which the Saiyans has no choice and get kicked out since the women won custody of their kids and their possessions. Both men are sad, felt betrayed by their wives; but everyone agreed with the women's decision because their husbands are too irresponsible and Goku being jobless his entire life, and Vegeta never spend any time with Bulma especially on their kids' birthdays and Christmas. Both Saiyans paid the price and get out of their home.

Since the fight against revived Freiza, their new friend (Y/n)-Chan came along. Once a soldier to the Freiza Force, a tracking soldier which she tracks her foes and prepared the planet to her lord for profit. However, she was forced to join the army; eventually found out that he's behind planet Vegeta's demise along with her race. After she witnessed Goku defeat Freiza again, she quit the army and befriended the Z Fighters.

Now, she's resides on Earth, living her life as an Earthling. She's a (height) female Saiyan, taller than Vegeta and a foot shorter than Goku. Her hair is black, (length) and (spiky or any style). Her black eyes too focused cooking dinner. Her pale (or any skin color) skin complements her smooth skin of her body. She even has a (size) set of breasts poking through her shirt. (Y/n)-Chan wears her (color) (long or short) shirt, exposing her (color) bra straps, (long or short) (color) (pants, capri, shorts, or a skirt), also wears her (color) socks. 

As she slides the side foods onto three plates, she bring each plate in each seat. "Goku! Vegeta! Dinner!", she called out to them. Both Saiyans are busy meditating in their minds, like mental training; but hearing her announcement made them hungry. Goku opened his eyes and grinned, "Great! I'm starving!", and heads to the table. "Oi! Don't try to steal my plate you asshole!", Vegeta yelled at him and quickly took his seat next to (Y/n)-Chan's left side of her.

She chuckles by their childless behavior, "Don't worry boys, there's plenty of extras", she added to them. She watch them gulping and chewing food in quick speed as she ate normally. She felt bad how their exes abandoned them for being impatient scumbags. But she does agree that both men never worked in their lives. But she's fine with it since she works at a retail store as a security guard. After dinner, the Saiyans heads to the couch and watch a movie. (Y/n)-Chan washed all the dishes and dry them, putting them away. After attending several chores in thirty minutes, she heads towards the couch and sat in between the Saiyans.

Not looking at her, they minded their own business. (Y/n)-Chan joined them watching an action anime movie. As Goku looked bored by the terrible animation, he turn his face towards (Y/n)-chan. His black eyes scans her, suddenly has dirty thoughts of her. He lightly looked surprised, blushing as he spots her bra straps exposed on her shoulders. "Wow", he thought mentally in awe face, "She's very sexy~" For the past few days, Goku keep bumping into her: accidently hit his arm, hand, or slap onto her breasts. He also accidently bumps his rear end against hers, both apologized for that. And he almost caught her undress and silently closed her door. He blushed, cannot believe in believe in temptation and giving in to his desires. He now wanted to have her to himself.

Goku wanted to be polite and slowly lifted her bra strap and moved it inside her shirt. Vegeta caught him what's the moron up to and saw her gasp in embarrassment. "Kakarott!", Vegeta yelled at Goku angry, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!?" Goku raise his hands up, backing away from the angry prince. "Don't do anything bad Vegeta! Her straps are bothering me and help her put them back in her shirt!", he explained. They look at (Y/n)-Chan who's now blushing bright red. "Oh god!", she moaned embarrassed, "I'm so sorry Goku! Thank you for helping!" Goku chuckle, "No problem, we're friends!", and he hugged her. She giggles and hugs him back. Vegeta gritted his teeth and turned away, huffed as he closed his eyes. "Bastard!", he thought in his mind.

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