King Vegeta X Chubby Saiyan Reader Lemon

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Requested by NovaFreiza.

At the far end of Universe 7, there's a planet which is populated by a strong and powerful race: Saiyans. This planet was once called Planet Sadala; however, it was destroyed which the Saiyans decides to invade another planet, destroy anything in their path and reclaimed it as their own home, Planet Vegeta. And the one who founded the planet, as their own ruler, is King Vegeta. Ever since that day, the Saiyans done nothing except repopulate and grow more of them. Three generations later, King Vegeta the Third is the current ruler of the planet and his people also become stronger than their ancestors. He's mostly called King Vegeta; which is important title to him because he can rule over his world, his people, and have the authority to do anything he wants. Except when he agreed to work for King Cold for his army, the Cold Force. King Vegeta doesn't mind working for him and send his strongest warriors to help out the army.

Few years later, the Saiyan king is working in his library; reading through the scrolls of history, language, math, and his favorite past time: looking through the first nude female catalog. The king really looks excited when he sees pictures of naked women; but he's really horny when he sees fat chicks like Bonyu which he loves to masturbate while drooling. But lately, King Vegeta has been avoiding those porno and throw them out. What's wrong with his majesty? Some say his warriors are too weak. Some say he wanted to be a legend. But most of all, the reason why is because he has no heir to the throne and no queen at his side. 

Every time he sat at his throne, while listening to his administers, ambassador, and his attendee, he could only sigh in sadness. His people are worried for him especially during the wedding ceremonies which the king could only pretend to smile and happy for the newlyweds while he cried inside. Until he had enough of the loneliness; he is a king for god's sake! He must not fall into despair, he must find a wife. Yes, a queen by his side and to continue his bloodline. But who? The Saiyan king stood up all of the sudden, causing his administers and ambassador to flinch. "Listen my people, I declare to find a wife for me! Post the news all over the village immediately!", he bellowed loudly. They all nod and rushed out of the palace, posting the news all over the Saiyan village. Everyone's now whispering in excitement, females are getting ready for their meet up and hopefully become his queen.

Two days later, Gine was working in her butcher shop; selling meat to her fellow Saiyan patrons. While she hums a tune, cutting the meat, she heard a giggle and heard footsteps running towards her shop. Out of nowhere is a small Saiyan boy with a long shaggy black hair, yelling nonsense as he bumps into the tables. Gine yelped as she keeps the tables still. "Raditz!", Gine called out, "No running in the shop!" Raditz blew raspberry noise at her and continue running; until a strong pair of hands caught him in a pair of big chubby arms. Gine smiled as she watches the woman holding the child in her arms. "Oh Kami! Thank you (Y/n)-Chan!", thanked Gine as she placed the meat on the table and took baby Raditz (three months old) out of her arms.

(Y/n)-Chan is a (height) and chubby young female Saiyan; only three years younger than Gine. Her hair is black, (length) and spiky hair. Her eyes are black like her people and her nose is like her future son, Vegeta the fourth (Plot Hole!!) Her face is round and plump, showing off a pretty and natural beauty. Unlike her older sister who's naturally slim, (Y/n)-Chan is rather chubby than most of the Saiyans. Her upper fore arms, her upper & lower belly, her hips, her thighs, and her butt are chubby. But the bright side is she also has the largest set of breasts; the largest size among the female Saiyans. While wearing her usual Freiza Force uniform elastic white boots, she only wears (colored) sleeveless shirt, shorts, and an arm band on her left upper arm.

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