Belmod X Female Reader X Gicchin

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(Y/n)-Chan is the best member of the Pride Troopers. She's a beautiful and kind woman, a (height), (weight) young woman who became the first nurse of the hero organization. Her hair is (color), (long or short) with glossy shine, her eyes are (color) sparkled from the sun, her skin is (color) as her ears are pointy. Besides being slim, she also has thick thighs, plump butt, and a pair of (size) breasts.

 She wears her usual red and black spandex, white boots and gloves, except wears her attachable hood behind her back with a red cross on the top part of it which resembles as head nurse. She just finished healing the boy from a head injury and healed his scratches. The boy smiled at her, "Thank you (Y/n)-San! You're the best nurse!" (Y/n)-Chan blushed and smiled, "Thank you. Now you can head home", and the boy walk his way back out of HQ.

Just ten years ago, she was a healer, healed the injured and even help out to feed her village. Until she was found by two Pride Troopers, scouting the area. It was Belmod, a clown being wearing the red and black spandex with white boots and gloves. And next to him is Gicchin, a tall green skinned man with pointy ears, white hair, white mustache and beard combo. He also wears the same outfit just like Belmod. They explained to her that the Pride Troopers have been around for only ten years; an organization of heroes, trained to save innocent lives and defeat evil with justice. They were looking for new recruits to help out for the greater cause.

At first, she was skeptic about their reason. But her eyes cannot look away from Gicchin. She really felt her heart beating. She nods and shake their hands, "I'll look forward working with you", she said and smiled at them. Gicchin smiled back, nodding. But Belmod is stunned, hint of red blush on his face. He's the one who's feeling warm and fuzzy because he's in love for her. His eyes cannot look away as he focused on her beautiful face. He cannot get enough of her smile. He felt that she's only looking at Gicchin and frowned, "Watch your back Gicch, this woman's going to be mine", he said in his mind.

After (Y/n)-Chan spends her ten years training and studying nursing classes, she became the first member of being the nurse and head nurse of HQ. She heals anything and everything. But what she can't heal is Belmod's rivalry against Gicchin. Every time she goes to work, whenever she's on her break or off work, or every time she went to see Gicchin, Belmod would follow her and try to act tough to their crew member. She was clueless while she thought about what's the reason. Few days later, she was supposed to see the reason for Belmod's behavior but she ends up day dreaming of Gicchin. Gicchin is always a brave and true hero of the Pride Troopers, being looked up by their crew members and the citizens of their universe. Since she works there, she always blushing when she's close to him. (Y/n)-Chan knew that one day he would be with a girlfriend; so today, she's going to confess her love to him.

But Belmod has already caught her in her plans and decides to end it for good. He may look dead serious and almost dark, but truth is that he has trouble of having a soft gentle side of him. He does have it if he's alone with her, but not in public especially not in front of Gicchin. He follows her without being detected as he watch her walk through the HQ, searching through every room including his room. She looked puzzled, wondering where Gicchin went. Then, she remembered where he usually be at and ran off. Belmod knew what she's thinking and follow after her.

Gicchin is mediating, sitting alone at the edge of a cliff. In all his life, he saves and protect his universe from evil, always training, and is thankful to have a great organization. He has no time for any personal times except training and mediating. Lately, he felt uneasy when he felt the loneliness inside himself. His heart beats in pain as he saw couples or families being together. He came from a terrible and miserable childhood, no family, no friends, always alone. 

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