Part III Chapter 3

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(Y/n) Pov

I slowly woke up and see that Erze is hugging my face close to her chest, which made my cheeks turn red. I moved my hand up to her shoulder, if I can see it, and shake her a little, trying to wake her up. I feel her moving a little. She looks down and sees me awake.

Erze: Good morning (Y/n).~

(Y/n): Morning, Uhm... Could you let me go?

Erze: Why?

(Y/n): It just... I don't want the others to see... me into your.... chest...

Erze: Aww, how about five more minutes? I promise I'll wake you up before the others.

She gives me a cute face, which I can not resist. I looked at the others and they are asleep.

(Y/n): Fine, only five minutes, then you'll wake me up.

Erze: Thank you (Y/n).

She hugs me tightly, shoving my face to her chest. I closed my eyes and try my best to go to sleep.


I woke up and Erze is still holding on to me. I pat her shoulder and trying to wake her up.

(Y/n): 'C'mon Erze, Time to get up.'

She woke up, move her boobs off me and pecked my lips.

Erze: See? Five minutes. 

I sat up. Not before I gave her a kiss.

(Y/n): Good morning Erze.

Erze: Good morning (Y/n).

I got up and cracked my limbs.

Erze: So what are we doing?

(Y/n): We're gonna try to find the Lord of the orcs and talk to him.

Erze: Let's hope we can get to him easily.

(Y/n): Me too.

I look over to see the others are waking up.

Kasel: Jeez man, you need to stop waking up early...

Cleo: Yeah, seriously.

(Y/n): Then stop sleeping forever.

Kasel: I don't sleep forever.

(Y/n): Anyways, let's discuss things real quick, before we go.

Frey: Oh yeah, is Lakrak coming with us?

Lakrak: Test Custom Head-Cannon Lakrak MK-3, Orc subject! Yes!

Cleo: Can't you test things by yourself?

Lakrak: Ugh...That's... Allied situation test!

Cleo: Yeah, yeah whatever you say.


We found some Orcs and I ran to the orcs and pulled out the handguns and shoot them. They are blocking the bullets, then Erze used her magic on the Orcs and draining their blood. I ran up to the orcs and before I kicked it, the red aura is swirling around my legs. I know this is Erze's magic, so I jumped up and kicked the orc so hard that it flew back. I looked at my leg and look back at Erze, who was smiling. I was about to say something until my Vision snapped. I see a different orc is fighting Kasel. Looks like things are going okay until I see the orc slammed his axe on Kasel's sword. Hard enough that is slammed him into the ground. I regained my vision and warned Kasel, telling him to dodge. Kasel dodge the first attack, before the orc would attack him again, Roi leg-sweep the orc. Roi jumped and stabbed it in the back, while Kasel got out of the way. 

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