Part VIII Chapter 5

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(Y/n) Pov

We set up camp for Kasel and the others to rest. I sat by the lake and watch the ripples form on the water. Cassandra walked and sat next to me as Erze sat to my other side.

Cassandra: Hi (Y/n).

(Y/n): Hey Cassandra, Erze

They both kissed my cheek.

Erze: So what were you thinking about?

(Y/n): I'm just preparing myself for the unexpected.

Cassandra: Hey, don't worry about it (Y/n). You told we'll have a party after this is over and you have overcome so many challenges.

Erze: She's right.

(Y/n): Thanks.

I looked back the lake. I pulled my shotgun and looked at it, then I put it away.

(Y/n): Has anyone seen Kasel?

Erze: No why?

(Y/n): Hm, probably talking to Frey.

Kasel Pov

I left the camp and went to the other side of the lake with Maria.

Kasel: The wind is growing colder.

Maria: ....

Kasel: I only expect darkness and gloom, but it surprising to see such a beautiful place here.

Maria: Countless souls are resting in this place. We created this place in hopes of helping those rest in peace, by blocking off the demonic power.

Kasel: I've heard a little about you and my father from Pavel.

Maria: That stupid Ice Dragon... He said he wasn't going to intervene anymore...

Kasel: Did you lose all of your powers as a saintess now?

Maria: Yes.

Kasel: But you were once called the Saintess of Brilliance.

Maria: Hah hah... A nickname like that is pretty meaningless. Lua... To be honest, I despise Lua.

Kasel: ....

Maria: And I also think it's pathetic for all of you to obsess over that Lua. How much did you hear from Pavel?

Kasel: The brief meeting between the heroes of the past and my... father... The battle with Dark Lord and the tangled web that connects Mother, you, and Father... But... He didn't tell me that my father was the Black Knight.

Maria: Yes, I suspected as much. The Holy Sword granted by Lua's power. The one with fate to defeat the Dark Lord and bring peace to this land. Yes, the story about Kyle and us is understandable. But he probably wasn't sure about whether or not you could not handle the last part of the story.

Kasel: Honestly... It was hard to believe it. I'm still confused. I can honestly understand why Pavel was so hesitant about not telling me the truth.

Maria: Yes... Of course... I understand... He may look cold on the outside, but he is actually very compassionate. He just doesn't realize it himself. I'm sure he's gotten sick of this real world. After all, the hero was supposed to bring peace to this world turned into another Dark Lord  who is trying to destroy this world and now his son is destined to carry the Holy Sword once again to kill his father.

Kasel was taken back from what she has said.

Kasel: King Kyle... No, my father... Why did he become the Black Knight? I heard that he actually defeated Angmund to bring peace to this world a hundred years ago. But why? Why has he turned into the Dark Lord to put an end to us?

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