The Kids Aren't Alright

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Y/n's pov

Everyone left. There is no one to fight, they retreated.  I finished bandaging Maya. Everyone was resting or healing up. "Guys, I am so terribly sorry. I shouldnt have forced anything. If I should've left none of this would've been happening-"

"Don't beat yourself up kid. Our rival was here too. This is everyone's fight. Don't think you're alone." This is one of the first times I've heard Brutus talk to me. He sounds like a dad. Dad Brutus.

Meowscles headed straight towards me silently, with 2 slips of paper. "They wanted you to see this."

I was genuinely confused. I took the pieces of paper as my eyes widdened. They were pictures. One was of my younger self with short hair and a light grey dress uniform, and wearing a 'happy' mask. The other one was of- no. It couldn't be. My parents? They looked so different. My mother had gorgeous long black hair, with a youthful face. My father had so much life left in him. His brown hair complementing his facial features. I can't believe they're ALIVE.

"Who are they?" Asked my lovely cat friend.

"This one is me." I showed him one picture, "They-" I paused for a moment. I caught my breath. "They are the most terrible creatures alive. These two, abused me mentally and physically. Once they thought I was 'special', they changed ever so greatly. They wanted to use me. Like a certain someone." I glared at Midas. "I thought I killed them. Turns out my parents are alive and trying to hunt me down!" I held my head. I couldn't prevent a few tears from falling. This shit is really stressing. Im being hunted, and my friends are in danger.

I glanced at everyone. "Why are you all crying?"

Maya wiped her face. "I'm not? What's going on?"

"Wait-" I wiped my tears and stopped being sad. "Did I-"

"How did you do that?!" Skye ran up to me, examining my face.

"I don't know, but I will freak out- Okay. Okay." I took deep breaths. "THAT'S NOT WORKING. IM FREAKING OUT-"

Tina held my arm. "It's okay Girl, you'll figure it out. Its nothing to freak over out. You're special. You are beginin to bloom. This also brings me to tue conclusion as to why these guys are after you. You might have something that they dont know about, but they want."

"This sucks." I held her arm.

"Hey, that still hurts!" She joked.

I gasped and accidentally held her arm tighter. Her arm started to heal. "What the- you healed me!" She smiled. "I could just kiss ya!"

"That's INSANE. I guess I can cross off doctor from my job list. I'm a certified doctor. Come here you guys." I'm healing my pals up. I felt so bad for getting them into this mess in the first place.

"There you guys go. I hope you all feel better. And dont worry about the mess. I got it." I reached for my bag and pulled out a box with a big red button on top. I pressed it quite a few times. "Robots, I'd like you to clean up this mess."

"Of course ma'am!" "Right away!" "On it!" And other phrases came from the bots.

"I want all of you to rest up. Because I'm not exactly sure what my healing might have done to you all."

"Where's Midas?" Asked Tina. Dang it, I was just about to forget about him.

"In the meeting room probably. I don't want to have to do anything with him ever again. Did you guys know he was trying to use me?! He thinks that im his doll. No way in Hell am I helping him. If I fight, I fight for you guys."

Everyone nodded their heads no. But Meow meow. He nodded.

"Wait- are you guys saying you were on board with his plans?!! I didn't know whether to fully believe that alien dude looking guy." I felt heartbroken.

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