My Demons

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Y/n's pov

Today was the day. I was up early, because I had a lot scheduled today. I did my hair in a nice way, for I had a ceromony to attend to. I wore an elegant black dress, that I suppose Dom left sometime I was asleep.

He also left a sweet note that read,
'Good morning queen. Today is our big day! I left you this dress so you could prepare. I know you'll be busy this morning, but make sure you come on down before 11. We still have to get you prepared. Im sure you are going to look beautiful. I'm very excited, you don't even know. You changed my life, and I thank you for that. I can't wait until we live the rest of eternity together. Love you Y/n.'

It did make me upset that I soon had to betray the creature. He had a soft side, and that was the side I loved to see. That was the side I first met. It's crazy to think that Midas hated me for a good old while before growing attached to me.

"Well Timothy, we better get our deeds done." I put the dress on, and grabbed my bag. It was 7:30. Good. I could start preparing for my talk with the henchmen. I made my way to an auditorium like place, as my furry companion followed. The place was piling up with so many men. As soon as I saw the door close, I walked on stage.

"Good morning, men. Some of you may not know me, but I am your savior. I saved you all from the threat that held you all hostage. Why don't we recognize them?" With that, cages started to rise from the stage floor, to my right. All of the leaders kept pulling on their cage bars.

Everyone started cheering. I smiled. "Here they are!! Oro, Agent Chaos, Bush, and Wildcard!! Did I read that right? Those are some weird ass names." I glanced at the note card with all of their names on it. Yeah, it was right. I heard laughing from the audience.

"Once we get out of here, you're going to pay for what you've done!!" Hush growled.

"Did you hear that guys?! She's going to get me!!!" I laughed. I turned to face the girl. "Oh honey. You ain't getting out of this one. You're a goner." I smiled devilishly. She let go of the bars and stood back.

"After years of pain they've put you through, do you really think they deserve a second chance? You all knew that they could've treated you all better. But they didn't want to. Why? They felt like they've had a higher authority than you, so they could treat you like shit. Deep down inside we are all human. We are all equal. These fools decided to test that out." They all cheered. I was getting my way. I loved the attention. "I want to be your new leader. I will treat you all with the respect and love you all have been missing all these years. Together, we can continue our journey."

"You can't do that!" Chaos was furious.

"Oh yeah I can. Just watch me." I winked at him.

"You truly are evil." He replied.

I ignored him." If you all agree under this new ruling, stand up." I thought It was prettt cool that they all stood up in unison. Pretty radical. I have never felt more proud of myself.  "Thank you all. Get your cameras, phones, anything. I'm going to end these gross ass people on stage!!"

More cheering and whistles. Oh hell yeah, I was definetly enjoying this. I pulled out a gun. "I'm going to be nice. Any last words?" I loaded my Pistol, with bullets that contained poison in them.

"You're going to pay for this."

"You're going to regret doing this to us."

"Your reign will fall soon."

"You're going to hell."

"I'm actually going to hell later. Im getting married." I laughed. "You all are so off and wrong. Oh well. The time has come." Without any hesitation, I shot them all in the head, watching them drop one by one. Their individual cages started to descend on the stage floor. Once they were gone, I turned back to face the crowd.

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