Hey look Ma, I made it

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Y/n's Pov

"..... ke up."

I felt someone poking me aggressively.
I decided to block them out.

"Mon! ... ke... Up!!!"

There it was again. Ughhhh. I really didn't want to get up. I was so comfortable- where ever I was.

"C'mon Y/n wake up!! Who knew you were a heavy sleeper?!" Who knew this girl had a really soft voice. Skye. She was waking me up. I groaned in dissapointment, starting to wake up.

"There are some cases where heavy sleepers often have symptoms of depression. Let me practice the sweet sweet practice of death."

"I have no Idea what you're blabbering about. But it's time to wake up- uhh...." She paused, which started to catch my attention. "Timothy hasn't been seen all morning." She blankly stated.

That's when I stood up immediately, reaching for my bag to pull out a gun. I was awake and taking in the scenery. Skye's room was definitely a sight to see. It really did fit her personality. "What do YOU MEAN-" she paused me and pointed to the bed. There was my son. This girl really did know how to wake me up. I groaned.

"Im glad you're awake! I saw that you were going to pass out on the couch, so Tina and I dragged you here. So you'd be more confortable."

"Oh my! You really are the best!" I put my gun away and wrapped my arms around her.

"We should get ready for the day. Your  initiation will start soon. I know as a fact, that you're going to ace it."

"What am I going to be doing?"

"I can't tell you. But you'll find out soon!"

We both got ready for what today brings us. We ate breakfast as a duo, because no one else was around. We talked for a bit, until I noticed Skye zone out, glancing at her watch. "You okay?" I asked.

"It's time." She straightened herself up.

"For what-" she started to circle around me. I kept my gaurd up. I was in a comfrotable fighting stance, ready for what she had in store for me. She charged at me and got the chance to get on my back. She held onto dear life. Because I wasn't going to let her attack. Suddenly out of nowhere, I was tazed by another person, which did catch me off gaurd. Skye took the chance to place a thick bag over my head and down my shoulders. My weight shifted as a strong person carried me somewhere. I tried to squirm out of their grasp, but I was in an awkward position. I had no luck.

"Let me go!!" I yelled.

No response. It was awfully quiet. All that could be heard were footsteps. Was this part of the initiation? I hope so. I don't want to freak out.

I was slammed into a chair, as mutliple people started to tie me to this really cold metal chair. My hands were tied behind ny back, and cuffed to the chair, and my legs tied really harshly. I heard whispering, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

Finally, after a few minutes, somone began to approach me from behind. They took the sack off harshly, hurting my face in the process.

"Look! Such a beautiful princess! Aren't you just a catch?!" It was a woman's voice, one that I've never heard before. She was beind me, playing with my hair.

"I appreciate your compliments. But I think it's time to release me."

I heard her heels clicking against the cold stone floor. "Darling, we wouldn't let you go. You have something that we acquire. If we could just get that from you, we won't harm or kill you."

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