Mississippi Queen

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[NSFW later on in the chapter deleted]

Y/n's Pov

I burst awake. I looked around. I was in bed. I could've sworn I knocked out in the living room. I sat up to check the time. Was it really 7 in the morning? It was too early! I groaned as I forced myself awake. I sat on the edge of the bed, and sat there blanking out.

After that, I got dressed for the day, and went to go check in on everyone. They weren't in their rooms. Huh, that's strange. "Guys?! Are you still here?" I called out.

No response. They couldn't have left- could they? I made my way to the first floor and looked around. They were nowhere to be seen. I walked into the kitchen. It was pretty dark. "Where the fuck is the light switch???" I patted the walls. I couldn't find it anywhere. Stupid nice ass kitchen with complicated light switches. I finally found it and turned it on. No one was there. Huh.

I made my way outside, and everyone was there chillin. "What are y'all doing out so early?" I asked as I sat on a nearby lawn chair.

"We all woke up at around the same time, and we didn't want to bother you, so we came out here to relax a little." Skye sat next to me.

"That's pretty thoughtful of you guys. Are you ready to go home?"

"Yeah, I'm sure the boss might need us soon." Brutus stood up.

"Oh, right! Almost forgot. Why don't I lead you guys out, and I'll be back later? Don't tell Goldie i'm coming back though."

"Lead the way queen!" Meowscles gave me a hand and helped me up. We started making our way to the gates.

"I'm surprised how you guys got along so quickly. I mean, shadow and ghost are rivals. Not anymore, but I thought it would take longer for you guys to cooperate."

"It was no biggie! Some of us had a lot in common with another, and that's how it started off." Chic spoke up.

"That's great!!" I led them to the gates, and opened it. "Here. One for shadow, and one for ghost." I gave each team a bell. "If you need me, ring this bell and a vehicle will be sent out to get you and bring you here. And for my Shadow team, relax today. You've been through a lot. I'll head over to the grotto once I finish up here. And as for my team members on Ghost, I'll be back at the Agency in the evening or early morning."

"Sounds good boss!"

"We'll see ya later Y/n!"

And with that, they entered 2 different vehicles, and they dissapeared in an instant. I sighed happily. Life is going great. I actually feel like I've matured. It feels great too.

I made my way to the mannor, and started to clear up anything that had Dominion. His statues, pictures, and all that. I ordered a few demons to plan on making a museum to put it all in. I also made a special request to put these things in a section of the museum labeled "The worst rulers of the Underworld."

Now pushing that aside, I had a lot planned for hell. I wanted to add a few things and make things more civilized. I also attending a population meeting, and explained that if anything bad were to happen to the population as a whole, then they should ring the biggest bell in the city. That will notify me and I will construct a population meeting. I removed some of Dom's laws, because they were striaght up stupid.

I returned to the mannor after a long long day. I accomplished so much today, and I loved being queen. I've come to an agreement that there will be a vice president, because I will be here once a week. So I can balance my life up on earth. I opened my door room, and my little furry friend was there. I laid beside him. "You are doing pretty well, aren't you?" I pet him as I took out my phone. I haven't checked it all day.

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