Instant Crush

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Y/n's Pov

I woke up with someone chewing on my hair. Wait- My eyes bolted open. "TIMOTHY STOP THAT." He would occasionally chew on my hair to wake me up. "You could choke! Now what do you want? Mommy's not feeling too good." He shook his little tail. My eyes widen. "NO NOT HERE I'LL TAKE YOU OUT JUST WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT." I was now sitting up. This little guy had to go to the bathroom.

Apparently there was someone in the room with me. "Y/n, you're awake." He began to stand up and stretch.

"What are you doing here?? I thought we weren't gonna-" he cut me off.

"I know. We're not. I'm here to take care of you. This week will be eventful, and you're just experiencing the effects of this mini series."

"What's going on this week?!!!" I absolutely had no idea of how he got here, I can't even remember what happened last night.

Before Midas could say anything, Timothy bit my hand. "Jesus FUCK. Hold on, give me a second Midas." I stood up, and stretched, walking to the bathroom door. I opened it, and the little creature zoomed in there. I slightly closed the door, so he could have his privacy and exit when he was done. I sat on my bed, facing Midas on the couch. "What's so eventful about this week?"

"It's the birth week."

I grew silent, processing this.


"You mean-"

"Our kiddo will be born in a few days? Yes. You have to make sure you are calm this week. Nothing stressing, because it could end up hurting you both."

"Holy shit. I think that this is going too fast. I don't even know what to think......" I paused. "IM GOING TO BE A MOTHER WHAT THE FUCK. Is this actually happening? I can remember when I promised myself I wouldn't be mom. I was going to be one of those awesome adventurer loners."

"We're going to be parents." He smiled. "You have to remember if you need anything, I will always be there for you."

There was a knock on the door. "Y/n, it's time to initiate the morning routine. We will also need to discuss a few things. You awake?" It was Shadow Midas.

"Yeah! Just hold up. Meet me in my office in a few, along with the new agents. I'll be there soon." I walked to my closet. I poked my belly bump. "You are absolutely right. I think that I should wear that." I grabbed black dress pants with side pockets, and a nice black blouse. I grabbed the fit and changed in the bathroom.

I came out, feeling pretty comfortable. "So, are you just going to be here all day?" He changed while was in the bathroom. He was wearing an all white suit.

"All week. Well, however long it takes for the baby to be born."

"So you'll be like my body guard!" I laughed.

"More like nurse or caretaker."

"Don't say nurse. I'll make you wear a maid outfit." I laughed even more.

"Noted." I could tell he didn't want to wear a maid outfit.

"Well, let's get started on the day." I walked out of my room, and he followed. I hate to admit it but he was trailing behind me like a puppy. Soon after, we made it to my office. Midas, Brutus and Tina were waiting there. "Good morning." I greeted. They all responded.

Shadow Midas and Midas were having a staring battle. I didn't mind, it kept them busy.

Tina and Brutus ignored Midas, both of them, and sat in the two available seats in front of my desk. "Good morning agents. It is nice to see you well on your first day. Now, I do recommend you follow Today's schedule before you get carried away with the many things we have here. The schedule consists of the following: Training, breakfast, lessons, test missions, break, and the mandatory meeting I have today for everyone. All of this won't take long. The meeting ends at around 4:00, and starts at 3:00. It is currently," I glanced at the clock. "7:30. You have roughly 8 hours to complete what needs to be done. Now, since both of you specialize in different things, I will assign you one older agent who can navigate you through what you need to learn. This will happen during your lessons. Your training sessions will be the same, because everyone needs to know the same skills. Combat, intelligence, and all of that junk."

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