The only difference between Martyrdom and Suicde is Press Coverage

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Y/n's Pov

I woke up with a pounding headache. I looked around. I was in a bed, laying next to Midas. I groaned as my head hurt with every passing second. I checked the clock on his side of the room. 2:37 AM.

"Shit. My head hurts so much." I knew I got drunk at the theater, but I can't remember anything after that. I hope I didn't bother Midas. I got out of bed and was welcomed with a cold breeze of air. Just what i needed to wake up. I saw my shorts on a chair and I put those bad boys on. I went to the bathroom and I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked kinda funny with messy hair. I saw my bag in the reflection. Im such a big dummy. I must've left it here. I grabbed my bag and took out a brush and tooth brush. Might as well freshen up. When I grabbed my items, everything looked the way it was supposed to be. I carefully placed it on my back, trying not to interfere with my bandages on my left shoulder. I brushed my teeth and hair, and put it away. I was feeling a little better. I cleaned up a bit, so it didn't look like I was here.

I left the bathroom, and looked around Midas' room. My eyes landed on Midas. I grabbed his phone and took a picture of him sleeping. Hehe, he was sleeping in such a weird position. I set his phone on his nightstand and made my way to the door. I yawned, feeling a little tired. I had my shoes in hand, making sure I didn't make too much noise. I shut his door and made my way towards the kitchen.

I felt like I was being watched. I ignored it and entered the kitchen. I opened a few cabinets in search for some pain killers. No luck. "Well isn't this just nice." I said to myself.

The door slid open behind me. "Darling, what are you doing up so late?" I turned around and saw Midas, in all black attire. It really suited him.

"Sorry if I woke you up. I couldn't sleep. My head started to hurt." I held my head as he grew closer to me.

"Don't you worry about a thing. I just felt the bed get colder."

"I'm sorry about letting myself go last night. It was unprofessional. I should've been more aware, you know?"

"That's alright. It happens to the best of us." We shared an amazing silence. I felt so comfortable. I sat on the counter.

"You plan on going to sleep soon?" I asked.

"Not really. Unless you go to sleep with me."

My eyes widdened. "Seriously?!!??!" Did he really want me to get in bed with him?

"I have to confess something." He stood at the edge of the counter, each of my legs on either side of his hips. He placed his hand on my cheek, staring right into my soul.

"Confess? Im here to listen." I couldn't avert my gaze into his eyes.

"I think you're an amazing person. You've made an impact so damn big, I couldn't describe it. You've changed me, most of all. The Team really loves you. And... I think I like you too. More than like. Love. You have me going crazy for you."

"Midas... I-" I was straight up flattered. I got the big boss head over heels over me. He kissed me with so much love. I couldn't help but give in. I ran my hands through his hair and his hands crawled to my lower back.

"I love you y/n." Just then, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. He stood back, and he smiled. So evil. I held my hand over my stomach and it was covered in blood. This bitch stabbed me.

"What the hell man?!" I yelled.

"Shhh! Its okay. You're mine now."

"YOU JUST STABBED ME! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" I jumped off the counter. I clenched my fists, making my way to this little fucker.

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