Chapter 10: Almost

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I went over to sit on the couch while Peter searched for the Star Wars disk.

I had almost forgot I was wearing Peter's shirt. It smelled so much like him, which comforted me.

Peter finally found the disk, and put it into the DVD player under his TV. I settled into the left side of the couch, leaning against the soft cushions. Peter came and sat on the far right side of the sofa, looking stiff. I laughed.

"Peter you can sit closer to me, you know? I don't have a disease," I told him. He blushed and looked a little embarrassed.

"Oh...I wasn't...I mean....I....okay," he finally said, moving over towards the middle of the couch.

The movie started and I was so lost in the plot that I had almost missed how Peter kept looking over at me often. He is cute like that. After I while, I felt myself dozing off. Peter was close enough to me that my head fell onto his shoulder.

I slowly regained consciousness after I had dozed off. I noticed that Peter's head now rested on mine, and his arm was around my left shoulder. I felt home in his arms. How strange, that even though we met recently, I already felt at home with him. Peter was asleep as well, but a thought came over me.

Was this intentional? Did it mean anything? Would it change anything? I really hoped it wouldn't.

Peter is my first real friend. I wouldn't want to do anything to make him uncomfortable.

I tried to slowly and carefully let myself free from him arm, and I lay his head on the couch, as I stood up and walked towards the bathroom, before catching one last glance at the sleeping boy.

I ran the water in the sink on my face a bit to try and wake myself up more. I checked the clock behind me to see it read 7:15pm. Shit. I needed to get home soon.

I walked back out of the bathroom to find Peter still sleeping peacefully on the couch. God, how does someone sleep so...perfectly? I found my phone and checked my texts. No updates from my dad. That was both relieving and worrying. I texted him to ask for details.

Me: Hey dad. Everything okay?

Me: Is it safe to come back yet?

Me: I'll be home by 8. Love you

I shut my phone off and decided to try and wake Peter up. I sat down next to him and shook him a bit.

"Peter," I whispered. No response.

"Pe-ter!" I whispered a bit louder. Nothing.

"PETER PARKER!" I yelled, making him jump off the couch.

"Jeez..." he said, groggily.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" I asked, holding in my laughter.

Suddenly, he pulled me down to the ground with him.

"Ah so that's how it's gonna be?" I threatened, while laughing.

"It is," he whispered in my ear.

We started play fighting and laughing, nothing serious. I was dying of laughter. I had the upper hand being on top of him, until eventually he had me pinned down.

"Goccha," he said, smiling down at me. I was struggling, until my eyes met his. Everything stopped. There was something about him. Like, he was pulling me towards him. His eyes were so inviting. He looked down towards my lips. My heart was beating so fast. I didn't know what was happening. I didn't notice how close our faces were to each other. How we were getting closer...and closer...

When the sound of the door's lock fumbling caused us both to look up in shock. Peter scrambled off of me and sat on the couch. I quickly sat on the couch too, right when the door swung open.

"Peter you home? Or are you doing some Spiderm— oh! Who is this?" A beautiful woman said, eyeing me. Peter looked at her in shock.

"Oh, uh. May, this is Y/N," Peter said.

"So this is the famous Y/N! I've heard so much about you!" May said cheerfully.

"May?!" Peter exclaimed.

"What? I'm so happy to meet you darling," she said, coming over to hug me.

"Any friend of Peter's is welcome here at any time," she said.

"Uh, thanks!" I replied. She seemed so kind. I guess that's where Peter gets it from.

"How long were you gonna stay? You are welcome to stay for dinner if you can stand my sushi," she offered, putting away her stuff.

"Oh. Thank you, but I should probably get going now. My dad wants me home at 8," I told them.

"Alright sweetie. Do you need a ride?" she asked.

"Oh I'm alright. Someone's coming to pick me up," I said.

"I'll uh, make sure you get to your car alright," Peter said, standing up.

"It was lovely meeting you," I told May.

"You as well. Take care!" she called after us.

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