Chapter 25: You

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Y/N's POV:

My consciousness was slowly returning, I had barely enough energy to keep my eyes open. The smell hit me hard. Metal. Dirt. I must have been underground. But...why?


It all came flooding back. My date with Spiderman, the surprise waiting for me in my apartment, everything.

Damn it, I should have just listened to dad!

I used all my energy to try and move, but I was bound to a chair. My hands were tied behind me, with what felt like rope. My feet were tied to the legs of the chair.


"Hello?!" I screamed, moving around in the chair, desperate for someone to hear me.

"Somebody please! I'm down here!" I screamed, tears forming. No, I have to be strong. I have to be of clear mind if I want to make it out alive.

Suddenly, I heard doors opening from across the dark room, and footsteps following.

" one can hear you down here Y/N," the voice said.

"Who are you? What do you want? My dad has money, he will give you anything you want for my release," I told him.

"That's just the thing, I don't want money," he said, stepping into the light. I gasped.

No. It...couldn't be.

"I want Stark to feel my revenge," he said.

"You...but it can't be! You are supposed to be in Asgard!" I gasped. Loki chuckled.

"Ah, you really think my brother could keep me there, what with my new rage for your daddy and his little team?" he said, creeping closer. I had never met Loki, or even seen him. The time he broke into the Avengers Tower (Stark tower at the time), my dad had sent me away with Happy to protect me. But I knew who he was.

"What do you want?" I asked, not looking at him. He suddenly put his hand around my neck and brought my head towards his. I gasped for air, and could barely get any.

(AN: Loki simps ur welcome but also go to therapy respectfully)

"I want Stark to suffer like he made me suffer," he said, letting me go. I coughed a lot.

"How—how did you find me?" I asked.

"It was quite simple really. When I came back to earth, I stalked the tower, with my original intent to try and kill any avenger that came out. But you, my dear, you were always coming in and out, at quite the most interesting times. But when I got a closer look at you, I knew, clear as day, that you were a Stark. He must have been hiding you. Not well enough," he laughed, pacing the floor.

"Oh, and then of course, I found your smaller home. Not sure why you wanted to live there when you had an entire tower to yourself, but none the matter. When you left, I searched the place and found this..." he said, revealing my original web shooter design. So that's where it went.

" the work of a Stark. So, I watched you leave with that puny mortal, and come back to your apartment...with some new 'hero'. Not sure who he is, but when he came back for you, I knew that that was my chance. I went inside to wait for you. Sure enough...well you know the rest," he said.

It killed me that I couldn't punch the crap out of him. I was proving Peter and Spider-Man right. I couldn't help myself. And I hated that.

"My dad will find me, and kill you once and for all," I said, spitting on him.

"Ah Ah Ah, lets just see if he finds you before I kill you," he threatened.

"Why don't you just kill me now?" I asked, knowing that he must have a reason for keeping me alive this long.

"I need information from you, young Stark. Obviously, I can't take down the Avengers. But, you must know every, tiny, weakness they have so that I can hit those weaknesses hard enough to kill all of them," he smiled.

"If you are just going to kill me anyways, then there is no point of me telling you anything," I said. He punched me in the face. After all my self defense training, it didn't really hurt. But it sure as hell startled me.

"I will be back in an hour when you are ready to talk," he said calmly, before leaving and closing the doors.

Now I'm glad I had never met him. What a psychopath.

All I could think of was Peter. I always felt safe with him. I needed him right now.

Spider-Man popped into my mind too. I remembered that I told him to come back for me in the morning. What if...what if he knew something was wrong and came to help me?

And dad. As soon as they find out I'm missing, he will be scared. I've never seen him scared before, but that's because I've never been in danger like this. I don't want him to worry. Dad, I'm okay. But please. Find me.

I struggled and struggled to try and find some wiggle room for my hands from the rope. Loki unfortunately tied them really tight. But I knew that it I kept wiggling them that they must become more loose—right?

After a few minutes of struggling, they became a bit more loose. I couldn't believe it. But, I knew that even if I got the rope undone, Loki would probably come back and tie them tighter. So, I would just let them get so loose that when Loki came back, I could bust free, and maybe even hurt him in the process.

Yeah, let's hope that works.

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