Chapter 17: The Party

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I got to my room, closed the door and ran to my closet. What was I supposed to wear for a party? I guessed a little nicer than school clothes, but not by much.

(AN: I hate choosing what Y/N wears so just imagine what you want but keep in mind she looks nicer than she normally would)

Soon it became 9:00, and so I had Happy drive me to Peter's house. I knocked on his door and fixed myself up a bit while I waited. The door opened and Peter's aunt was standing there.

"Hi Y/N! So good to see you! Come in, you look beautiful," she said, as I walked in.

"Thank you, May," I said.

"Peter! Y/N is here!" she called out.

"Oh lord I hope Peter doesn't wear one of his geeky shirts. Like, I feel like this party will be good for him, ya know?" May told me. I nodded.

"Yeah, that's what I've been telling him," I said. We both laughed. I heard a door open from the hallway and out walked Peter.

Peter was wearing a loose white shirt that had a few open buttons at the top, black jeans and his hair was all combed out nicely.

Peter stopped when he saw me. He took a moment to look at me. Really, look at me.

"Wow. Uh, look...b...beautiful," he stuttered. I laughed.

"You're not so bad yourself," I said, before walking over to him and ruffling up his hair a bit.

"Hey! I worked hard for this!" he said, grabbing my hand away from his hair. He didn't let go.

"It looks much better this way," I commented, smiling at my good work. Peter looked me in the eyes and smiled back. Still holding my hand in his.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. May ran to go open the door, and Peter and I let go of each other, even thought it felt like we didn't want to.

Ned and MJ appeared in the doorway; Ned wearing his usual style, but with a very nice cowboy hat, and MJ in a dark green dress and black jean jacket.

"Wow! You guys look great!" I complimented.

"You guys don't look bad either," MJ said, looking at me.

"Yeah, you guys clean up nice!" Ned said. I smiled.

"Alright. Everyone let's go to the car," May announced, as she shoo'ed everyone out of the house.

Ned and MJ sat in the middle of the car, and Peter and I sat in the back. Peter looked nervous. No, maybe not nervous. Tense? Worried? I mean, what's new?

We rolled up outside of the party, the music blasting, even though we weren't inside yet.

"Alright guys! Go have fun, no drinking, no drugs because I am sure your parents would not like that, and stay close to each other. It's easy to get lost," May told us. We all nodded, and headed out of the car.

"We made it!" I exclaimed taking in the feeling of my first high school party. Ned and MJ led into the party. I felt a hand grasp mine. I turned to see Peter.

"We gotta stay close to each other," he said, repeating his aunts words. I laughed and led him inside.

Inside it was so loud, you could barely talk. Music was blasting everywhere, not even music I recognized. I pulled the group towards the back of the house, where it was a bit quieter.

"I'm gonna go get some drinks," I announced. Peter's eyes widened.

"No you aren't! We aren't allowed to drink, and you don't know what they put in this stuff," he exclaimed, gripping my hand a bit tighter.

"It'll be fine! Probably just punch with a little extra...punch!" I joked and started to walk away.

"Y/N you can't drink. Please. It will be really bad if you do," he said, worry written in his eyes.

"Oh alright. Just one drink," I promised, and walked off, him following. I found a bowl of red liquid, which looked like punch. I scooped some out with a red solo cup, and chugged a whole lot of it.

"Okay Y/N that's enough. Now...let's go do what people do at parties," he said, pulling me towards him. It was hard to walk through all the people, but we stayed close together. Very, close together.

"Let's dance!" I exclaimed, pulling Peter in front of me as I started to dance. He looked a bit awkward, just moving his head a little.

"Come on, you can do better. Here I'll help," I said, moving closer to him and putting his hands on my waist. He started to turn red. But after a bit, he looked more relaxed. He started to actually let go a bit. I smiled at him.

"Isn't this fun?!" I yelled.

"Yeah, it kinda is," he said, spinning me around. I laughed. He pulled me closer to him, and we were dancing together. We were both laughing and having so much fun.

"Let's go find Ned and MJ," I suggested. Peter shrugged and we walked out to another pretty vacant room where Ned and MJ were talking to this one drunk guy.

"Hey, you guys alright?" I asked them, my arm around Peter so I wouldn't fall over.

"Yeah, we have been listening to this guy y'all about his life story for 15 minutes. It's quite interesting," MJ said.

"You guys doing okay?" Ned asked, looking between Peter and I.

"I had one drink, and it only got me a bit dizzy that's all," I explained. Peter chuckled.

"Do you guys know where the bathroom is?" I asked them. Ned pointed down a hall.

"Thanks," I said, before making my way towards the bathroom. Peter grabbed my arm.

"Wait for me," he said.

"Peter it's fine I'll be right back. Don't move and I'll be right back," I promised. Peter reluctantly let go, but watched me go off.

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