Chapter 12: Second Encounter

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As Spider-Man swung down, the men didn't notice him. My heart was pumping, adrenaline coursing through my veins. Something about Spider-Man was so...exciting and dangerous. I had to watch this unfold.

"Please don't get hurt", I hoped for his sake.

I watched as Spider-Man took his time trying to...position himself? What? I squinted to see that he WAS in fact, trying to find a cool pose to use when he got the men's attention.

What a dork.

"Hey guys! What were you guys gonna do with that gun?" Spider-Man finally asked the men. They turned around in shock.

Spider-Man lept into action, shooting web after web to get around these guys as they shot at him. They missed, of course.

"Yoink!" Spider-Man said as he webbed the gun from one of the man's hands, and slid it away from him to the back of the alley. He was so cocky, and confident when he was with criminals, yet, when I had talked to him, he was awkward and kinda shy.

I watched the event closely. This guy was insane! His webs looked...elaborate to say the least. They were clearly strong enough to hold a big guy to a surface, yet lightweight and compact enough for Spider-Man to store somewhere in his skin tight suit, my sciencey brain started to analyze.

Spider-Man finished the fight by webbing the guys against the wall, and contacting the authorities through his suit. I watched him look around before webbing himself back to the building on my side.

He sat on the railing and watched below him as the authorities came and arrested the men. He leaned back onto the buildings wall, and exhaled. I was surprised he hadn't seen me yet. I was somewhat in the shadows now, but I had a good view of him.

"Nice job," I said aloud. His head darted in my direction.

"Were you watching that whole thing?" he asked, a bit out of breath.

"I was watching the sunset, but I guess you would rather watch the two sketchy guys in an alley," I teased. He leaned back again.

"You staying out of trouble?" he teased back. I rolled my eyes.

"Like I said, Spiderboy, I can handle myself," I said. He flinched.

"It's Spider-Man," he said.

"Lower your voice, and then we'll talk. See you later!" I smirked. He sighed but waved.

I climbed back into my apartment and just stood there, smiling. I bit at my thumb nail thinking about Spider-Man. He truly was...amazing.

I felt a notification coming from my phone, and turned it on to see Peter's name.

Peter: Hey. You alright? Is your dad okay?

I smiled at his genuine concern.

Me: Yeah, he's not home yet, but I think everything will be okay. Probably just a one time thing :)

It hurt to lie to him. But, I guess I was protecting him from my world. I was hoping that everything would be okay. My life was run by hope. Hoping that dad would always come home safe. Hoping no one figured out who I was. Hoping that everything would work out the way it needed to be.

Peter: If you ever need anything, I'm always here :)

Me: I know. Thanks Peter <3

Peter: Of course <3

I had almost forgotten about how we know. We were so close and...I mean. I wanted it. I think I did. Do I now?

Whatever. I guess we both decided to forget about it and move forward. Maybe that was best.

I got another notification. I was expecting Peter to say something else, but my heart dropped.

It was my dad. He was calling me.

"Hey kiddo. You make it to the apartment alright?" he asked, casually.

"Yes, but dad what happened! Tell me everything," I asked. I heard a long sigh from the other side of the phone.

"Someone tried to break in. We aren't sure why, but there are a million reasons to. We found out who it was, some people from Hydra. We took them out, but I'm still worried about your safety in case they try anything tonight. No matter what, if they know you exist, your life will be in danger," he told me intensely. I already knew the stakes would be high if anyone found out, but I had hope that we would never get to that point.

"But everyone is okay right now?" I asked.

"Yeah hon, everyone's alright. We just need to make sure that the tower is secure enough for you to come home," he said. I breathed a sigh of relief. I guess everything would be alright.

" was your day?" he asked me. My face turned red. Thankfully, he couldn't see.

" was fine. I mean when I got your text I was scared, but I was alright," I said. I didn't want to talk much about when I went over to Peter's.

"Where did you go after school?" he interrogated. Shit.

"I stayed at a friends house until Happy picked me up at 8. Brought me here," I said.

"Peter Parker's house?" he said casually. SHIT!

"Yeah..." I said, trying to seem calm about it.

"What did you guys do?" he asked.

"Dad! Why are you asking so many questions?" I asked him.

"What? I just wanna know what my little girl is doing," he said. I knew he wanted to embarrass me somehow.

"We watched a movie," I said. I didn't lie. But I wasn't telling the whole truth.

"Oh? How fun," he said.

"Then whose shirt did you walk out wearing?" he asked.

Happy told him.

"Um...well Peter's...but we walked home in the rain and so we were soaked and so..."


"I'll give it back to him," I said defensively.

"Of course you will. I gotta go honey, but I'll let you know tomorrow if you can come home or not," he said.

"Okay. I love you dad," I said.

"Love you too,"

I hung up.

I looked down at Peter's shirt that I was still wearing. It made me smile.

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