(A/N: Credit to @lulusketches for the girl in the picture above. I found the Peter sticker on PicsArt)
I walked around, exploring the apartment. It was pretty big for a New York home. I peaked through every door, but they were mostly empty rooms. I opened the last door on the right of the hallway, and gasped.
I guess dad really didn't want me to get bored here. He transferred a whole lab into that room. I mean, it was a more compact version, but it had all the same tech as the one in my room.
I poked around to check all of the tools I was provided. I loved getting creative with what I made, so this was heaven for me.
"Friday?" I called out, wondering if she was installed to the lab as well.
"Hello Y/N Stark!" her voice rang back.
"Hi, um can you pull up some of my blueprints from file 107? Password should be jg691pjsl" I asked her, referring to my secret project.
"Unlocking file 107," she said.
A screen appeared in front of me with my 3D blueprints of some tech I was designing; a smart bracelet that would have lots of powers in it. This includes, Friday installed, defense mechanisms, alerts, smart software, etc.
"Okay can we transfer this design to a new file project under file 108," I asked. Friday did so within seconds.
I was trying to come up with a new design for the bracelet. Something, that I hadn't worked with before. I thought really hard about something new and exciting to try. Then, I got an idea.
"Friday...can you search anything you have on Spider-Man?" I asked, hoping that somehow she would be able to find out designs of his suit.
"File locked by S.H.I.E.L.D. Would you like me to attempt a security breach?"
"WHAT?!? Shield?! Since when?" I exclaimed.
"And no, Friday don't attempt a security breach. That would just worry my dad. Maybe...maybe they just have a file on him to track him. Like, they have files on everyone. Maybe, they will recruit him soon? I don't know..." I said, trying to think.
"You know what, Friday? Let's just scrap the bracelet. I know what I want to make," I told her. The image of the bracelet was gone.
My idea was to try and recreate/redesign his web shooters. I had seen him twice already to have gotten an idea of they they operate.
Maybe as a thank you gift, I could give them to him. They would need to be incredible though. If it was anything less than what he already had, it wouldn't be enough.
I mean, he seems like a teenager. Or at least younger than his 20's. He can't have access to high tech, can he? He's probably smart enough to create a basic design that's efficient.
As I started to construct the web shooters, I thought about how I would test them. I mean, after all, the webs would need to hold Spider-Man, let alone possibly being strong enough to lift a car. That got me excited. It was gonna be quite a challenge.
After a couple hard hours at work, I had my beta tech.
"Alright, lets see what you can do," I mumbled to myself, staring down a pencil on my desk. I lined up the tech to be in direct line with the pencil, then fired. A white substance shot out of the tech and launched the pencil to the wall, where it stuck.
"YES!" I exclaimed, as I examined the results.
"Not a huge win, but at least I know it works,"
I walked into the kitchen area where I saw a stool. I did the same as before, and activated the webs. They shot right onto the chair and stuck it to the cabinets. Not bad.
"Now to see if it can be manipulated..." I wondered aloud. I shot a web from the bar stood to a table and attempted to tie them together. It was a difficult maneuver.
After a couple tries, I got the webs to do as I pleased.
"Not that this wasn't fun, but now, we move on to the best part," I smiled. I went over to my bedroom window and climbed out to the fire escape. It was about 3am, so the city was dark and quiet.
Carefully, I stood on the edge, and took a deep breath. This was hella risky, but my dad would never have gotten to where he is, whether it be with Stark Industries or the Avengers, if he played it safe and didn't trust his creations.
I swiftly swung a web onto the top of the fire escape and held the other end. I leaned back off the railing, the empty streets directly beneath me. I tugged on the web a bit, and didn't feel any signs of breakage or inconsistency. I took a deep breath and jumped off the railing.
It was...anticlimactic. The web held, and I just dangled there for a bit. Eventually, I climbed back onto the railing, and disabled all the webs outside of the tech (a special touch I added).
I looked up to the top of my apartment complex. Only 2 stories up from my location. Quietly, I climbed up the fire escape, past the other rooms and found myself on the roof. I peered downwards to the city below me. I didn't feel scared. I felt a calming sensation roll through me.
I crouched by the edge of the building, and mapped a route in my head. "I would need to swing there, deploy a web there, that should carry me straight to that point if I get off early enough..." I mumbled. Finally, I had a small route of where to go.
I got up and looked around. No one was around. There was a faint ringing of police sirens, but then again, when was there not? And defiantly, no sign of Spider-Man.
Well, not like he would be that simple to track.

Stark's Daughter and Parker
Romance"I just want to protect you," Peter told me. *slowburn* Y/N Stark is the daughter of Tony Stark. When she finally convinces him to go to a real school, she goes through crazy life changes, finds love, and adventure. -The setting takes place after Sp...