♡11. Pierre Gasly

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11. You're the best
Requested by f1roadie
Hope you like it. Sorry it's so short.

I walk into the appartment. Pierre and I moved in together a few months back. So far, it's been nothing but cuddles, giggles, cooking meals together, movie nights and contestant kisses. Its been amazing.

"I'm home babe." I say as I put my purse down and take off my shoes.

"Ma cherie. I missed you." Pierre says as he comes up behind me and hugs me from behind.

"Pierre, I was just at work. You never miss me." I say, jokingly.

"Ah mon amour. But today I did. I spend all day working on this." He said as he gestured to the living room.

I hadn't noticed till now, but the curtains were closed, there were candles, some wine and wine glasses as well as a couch full of pillows and blankets.

"Movie night" he whispers to me in my ear.

I turn around and kiss him

"You're the best." I say 

"No, Y/N, you're the best " he said smiling.  He takes my coat from me, and scoops me up. He plops me on our bed in the bedroom and passes me my nicely folded pajamas. He grabs his. They match. We both have red and black plad pajama pants. I end up wearing his shirts as pj shirts. They're oversized, comfy and smell like him. They're my favourite. 

He comes back in the room just as I slip into my pajama shirt.

"Let's go."he says as he leans over, kisses my forehead and carrys me to the couch.

"What's that movie you've been asking me to watch? Was it 'Life is Beautiful'?" He asked me

"LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL! YES! Are we watching it?" I ask. It is such a good movie. Pierre smirks and nods.

I quickly kiss him and run to the bedroom for a second. I come back out with a box of tissues.

"Is it-" Pierre starts.

I nod. I know hes going to ask if it's sad. It is. But it's also beautiful. 

We sit on the couch. I cuddle close to him. His arm is around me and my head rests on his chest.

I lean forward and grab a tissue. I am crying. Just a little though. I feel something drop on my cheek.
A tear.
I look up.
Pierre is crying. 
He continues to hug me close.
I wipe his tear.

"I was not crying." He said as he sniffed, and stopped the tears. "Fine, maybe I was." He grabs the glasses and fills them with red wine. He passes me one and kisses my head though my hair.

Hes so sweet.

The movie ends, and we watch the credits.

He puts me on his back and carrys me to the bed.  We both slip under the covers.

"Y/N, why did you make me watch that?" He said, still clearly heartbroken.

"Babe, I love that movie. Yes it's sad, but so is life." I say.

It's obvious hes holding in tears. Still.

"Want me to cuddle with you?" I ask knowing it would make him feel better.

He nods and scoots closer to me. I turn so my back is to him. I shift closer so he is right at my back.  His arm wraps around me, and I fall alseep in his arms as he falls asleep holding me.

He really is the best.

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