♡Formula One Driver

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"Hey mate. Good race." Daniel says to me.

"Uhh yeah. Too bad I didnt make Q3 again." I say in a gruff deep voice.

"Barely. I only beat you by half a second." He said as he patted me on the back.

"Well I'm having Jo and the rest of the guys over tonight. Wanna come?" Carlos asks as he taps me on the back as he passes by.

"Carlos, I told you I cant make it." I said.

"Ok too bad. Daniel, you wanna come?" He asks

"What time?" Daniel replies.

"I'll send out the info." Carlos said and walked away.

I leave my helmet on and walk back into the garage.

*the next day.*

"Who is in front of me?" I ask my engineer on the radio.

"Lewis, sir. 4 seconds ahead of you. You're pace is faster, and you should be able to catch him in 3 laps" he said.

"Make it two" I say as I push my foot harder on the throttle as I go down the long straight.

The turn comes up fast.
I dont breathe.
Or break.
I wait until I am halfway through the corner. Then brake.

"Take that Lewis"i say to myself after I used the breaks soo late.

"Amazing use of the breaks sir." My engineer said. "The commentators are going crazy. That's the latest anyone's ever breaked on that corner. Saved you more than a second. You are almost within an overtaking distance." He said.

"Well I'm impatient today. I'm going to pass him now." I say in my deep voice and accent that is a mix of French, Dutch, German and British.

I slam the throttle and put the car in 8th gear. I can also use the DRS advantage. Within a few seconds, I am beside Lewis.

Going around the turn.  I break even later than I did before.
This shoots me in front of Lewis.

There is a HUGE smile on my face.

"Once again, latest breaking sir. Impeccable control of the car today" my engineer said.

"Aah hell yeah." I say. I press my foot even harder to the throttle and go even farther ahead of Lewis down the last straight of the race. I am passing the checkered flag in 1st.

"Woo hoo!" I say

"That's it. Slow down. You've won sir. Great race. The breaking is better than ever. I'm glad we have you signed for more than just this season or we would have Mercedes swooping in to try and take you from us." My engineer said.

"Aah fuck yes. Aaaaahhhh!! WOOO!! Haha! I've done it! Sorry mate, I wasnt listening to anything you were saying. Something about Mercedes? Whatever it was, I whipped their asses today! WOO HOO!!!! AAAHHH!!!! I cant believe it! I've done it. I'VE WON! Please tell me I didnt misread the signs and that there isnt another lap left."

"No sir. That was it. You've done it, you've won." My engineer said.


"So Jo, would you mind telling us about the breaking you did today?" The reporter asked me.

"Aah, well. I knew I wanted this more than Lewis. Dont get me wrong. Hes an amazing driver and is like a brother to me. But he wins all the time. I can only imagine it's starting to get old. Right? I knew I would brake. My instincts wouldnt let me NOT break. All I had to do was cut off my reflexes and any pain or need to turn that I felt. That's all. I knew I would break eventually. I just needed to let go and change my reflex." I say, still with my deep french/german/british/Dutch accent.

"Did you plan to do this?" The reporter asked.

"Cant tell everyone all my secrets, but no. I just had this killer instinct. I knew I was strong enough and agile enough to do it, so I did."


"That's enough for now. I have a podium to make." I say. I wink, but they cant see it. My helmet is still on.

"Can you at least take off your helmet and let us see the face of a winner?" They ask.

"And let the world see my sweaty ugly face? Nope." I say and leave.

*later* (I know this isn't the order they present the trophies, but for the plot, it works better like this)

I am aboutbto be called up to the podium.
I'm the last one.
I come out.
Helmet still on.
I see a reporter in the crowd.
She is way shorter than everyone.
All the reporters are tall adult males, and she is this tiny female teenager.
I ask someone working for the team I race for, Renault, to make sure she gets to the front.
He passes this message through their radio system.  I see Cyril move the girl past the barriers in front, with her camera.
I smile.

"Jo Holland" I hear the announcer call my name, and my team associate push me towards the podium entrance.

I come on with my helmet still on.
Why would I take it off? I probably look like crap.

I step onto the first race podium and wave to the crowd.  I look directly at the young girls camera.

This sport is way to Male-dominant.
There needs to be more females.

2nd and 3rd place have already gotten their trophies.  Our constructor was just passed his.

The man passing out the trophies passes me mine. I take it in one hand.

I look out upon the crowd.

This is it.
I did it!
The crowd is wildly cheering.

I take my free hand and place it on the back of my helmet and take it off.

The whole stadium goes quiet.

I hear a singular camera click.
It's the teenage girl.
I look down at her. Smile directly into her camera.
I want to give her the best shots she can get.
Because I, too, am a girl.

I avoided all the gatherings, so the drivers wouldnt know and treat me like I was different.

I kept my helmet on, so the press, and my team, wouldnt know.

Only Cyril knew.

I would have all my meetings privately with him.
I never showed my face in events.
I used a fake deep voice and emphasized all my accents to mask my female toned voice. The suits were baggy enough that I didnt need to worry about my chest.

I just needed to hide my face.
No more.

Now I am out there.

I didnt want anyone to know I was a girl untill I won and proved I'm worthy of racing. 
That I wasnt just drafted because I'm a girl. 

As if the world was removed from slow motion, all the reporters began clicking cameras and the crowd all stood up and applauded. 

I shake my head to unstick my braids from the back of my sweaty neck.

My pale blonde hair in two tight french braids fall in front of my shoulders. I wipe the sweat off my forehead, and hold the trophy way up high above my head. And smile.

I deserve this.
And not just because I'm a girl.

But because I am a Formula 1 Racer.

Part 2? Should I?
So, I wrote this because I feel like there is way too much prejudice about girls and racing.
Everyone thinks I'm only in it for the guys and the money.
Sure..  those are great. But they're bonuses.
I love the engineering and the thrill of watching them race.
But the guys are great too.

But the engineering is better...

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