♡Dinner. Lando Norris

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"We still on for dinner tonight?" Lando asks me as he comes into my room fully dressed in a suit.

"Of course. I would never bail." I say as I am watching the Office on my bed.

"Really? Because you said we have a reservation and I wouldn't have to drive. The time you gave me for the reservation is in 10 minutes, you're in your pajamams and you don't have a car because it is in for repair. " Lando said. I look at my watch. He is right. I completely forgot

"If you forgot, its okay. Most people forgot about my birthday." Lando said and undid his cuff links.

"No Lando. I did not. Do up your cuff links. And I will let you pick my shoes tonight. Okay? You know I hate heels and sneakers. You can make me wear the highest pair of stilettos I own if you want, or you can make me wear my converse sneakers." I say.

A huge smile paints on Lando's face. I know he loves when I hate the shoes I am wearing.

"I will be wearing a fancy ass dress if that changes your mind..." I add.

"No it does not." he said.

"Give me 1 second." I say and motion for him to leave.

I grab my phone and call my best friend Rose.

"RO, COME TO LANDO'S PLACE NOW. BRING CARLOS IF YOU NEED TO" I order her. I know she was driving Carlos around while they ran some errands. They've been together for a while, and they usually run errands the same time on the same day of the week as today.

"On my way. Ill be there in 5 minutes tops." Rose answers.

"But arent you like 20 kilometers away?" I ask, doing the math in my head. I know where they live and shop. It would take her about 15 minutes to get here.

"Make that 4 minutes. I am on the road now." Rose said. I chuckle to myself. Gotta love Ro, as I call her, and her dedication.

"3 minutes now. I may or may not have run a red light." Rose said.

"Are you on speaker phone?" I ask

"Yup. Carlos is in the back here with me." Ro said.

"Y/N HELP ME. ROSE IS A MAD WOMAN!!!" Carlos called.

"Oh dont worry Y/N. You know I am the safest of drivers." she said.

I hear tires screech.

"That was definitely legal." Rose muttered, loud enough for me to hear. "Here, let me make this a video call so you can see Carlos and tell him he will be fine. 2 minutes away." She said and switched it to video call.

I look in the back seat of the car. I see Carlos. He has his seat belt on, and pulled almost tight enough to suffocate him. He has his hand on the window and the other on the seat beside him bracing himself. A look of complete fear is painted on his face.

"Carlos, its fine. You're in good hands. Rose is a great driver." I say.

I hear a bang and a 'meow' from the front of the car.

"Who put the damn cat and garbage can in the middle of the freaking road?!?!" Rose screamed

"RO!!!!" I shout.

"Ok I'm here." she shouts as she stops the car and gets out.

"Ok. I forgot about my dinner with Lando. But dont tell him. I got dressed before you switched it to video call, and did my hair and makeup on the video call. I need you to pretend that this was all planned and act like you are our limo driver. Okay?" I ask, hoping she'll work with me.

"Yes. I've got it. I was half expecting this, so I went to the grocery store in a nice outfit." Rose said.

I roll my eyes. She knows me so well.

"Let me guess. You are wearing your black skinny dress?" she asks.

I look down at my dress. I am.

"And you let Lando choose your shoes?" She asks again.

I sigh. "Am I that predictable?"

"Nope. Just to me you're fellow beauty school drop out." Rose said.

"Rose, now is not the time for Grease references, unless they are true. And I didn't drop out of beauty school. I never went. Now I'll get Lando down here." I say as I hang up.

"LANDOOOOO" I call melodically as I walk out of the room.

"Yes Babe? You'll be wearing the converse tonight." He said as he passes them to me.

I groan.

"Our chariot awaits." I say as I motion to the door

"After you milady" lando says as he guides me out first.

We walk down to the car and I see Rose and Carlos with the door open.

Lando and I slip into the back seat, and he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

Within minutes, we arrive at the dinner place we have reservations at.

Lando and I hop out.

*at the dinner table*

"Babe, you forgot. Didnt you?" Lando asks

I sigh and look at my feet.

"Lando, I'm sorry. It's just, uugh. You're a handsome and rich f1 driver and could literally get any girl in the world. I am just a girl. And I'm worried that one day you will realize this and leave me for the countless models you could date." I say.

"Y/N baby. I love you for that reason. I fear that one day you will be fed up with my busy racing life and leave me for someone who can spend more time with you." Lando said.

I take his hand and look him in the eyes.

"Lando, I love you and nothing can change that." I say.

"Y/N I love you just as much and I never want you to feel like you're not good enough. If anything, you're too good." Lando said and looked deep into my soul.

He places a kiss on my forehead and we paid the bill and left, knowing our love was flawless and infinitely abundant

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