♡6. Charles Leclerc. Game Night

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6. Why are you so annoying?
Requested by 1727Z72
(Lol u changed ur username, and I almost didnt find your request when I went back to write it. Serves me right for leaving it soo long)

"Game night? AGAIN?"I whine as I walk into Charles gorgeous dinning room.
I miss Charles. It can be great having three older brothers, but it can also be quite pathetic at times. I am Charles younger sister, but untless we shared the last name Leclerc, which we wont share forever, there is no way you could tell we were related. I am 13 and he is 22. It is a large age gap of 9 years, but I love him nonetheless.

Since Chalres moved into F1, I have seen him less and less. Then he got his girlfriend Charlotte, and I see him even LESS now. Not only do we not look like siblings, act like siblings or fit the generic sibling mold, he has his fast moving F1 life, and I'm just about to start high school. I want to be an F1 journalist when I'm older. My brother, Arthur, who I am closest to, thinks it suits me perfectly. My dad thinks I should be a driver, but I don't even have the coordination or mobile dexterity to walk down the hall without hurting myself. I broke my ankle just a few months back when I was walking to the kitchen to grab some juice.
I love all my brothers equally, but I'm closest with Arthur and I miss Charles. Arthur is like that mentor in all the movies you watch as a child. Hes the one telling me wise words of wisdom and encouraging me to do the best thing for my life. With a brother like him, there is no way I'll ever go wrong.

"Yes Y/N. Game night." Charlotte said.

"And I fully intend to destroy you Y/N" Charles said as he kissed the top of Charlotte's head and sat down at the table with all our siblings and Charlotte.

He used to kiss my head like that. When I was younger, I was his prized possession. I was the thing that lit up bis world. He would love to show off his little baby sister. Then I grew up and my first word was "chales" (Charles) followed by "voom" (vroom) "jules" (like jules bianchi) "ka" (car) and "feai" (Ferrari, but I couldn't pronounce r) I was saying Ferrari before Charles even got the spot.
Then Charles grew up. He cared more about his friends, racing and his girlfriend then he did me. It broke my heart. He became more distant, and annoying. On a daily basis, he would say to me "why are you so annoying?" When I woudnt have done anything. It killed me slowly. That's when I left my love for Charles and having him as my favourite, and I went to Arthur.
He is closer to my age, only being 6 years older, and he loves me like a friend, sister and overall a precious little girl. He always sticks up for me, and if he doesnt, he helps me through it after.

"My sister, Valentine, is going to play monopoly with us too. Is that okay?" Charlotte asked. We all nod in agreement.

We went around the table taking turns, and I landed on the last property there was to buy. Boardwalk. I wasnt doing well. I had the cheapest properties, and no colour sets. Boardwalk was the last one Charles needed to complete his 4th colour set. He would destroy us all in the game if he got this.

"No."he whispered in shock when I landed on the square. He mentally counted my money to see if I'd have enough to buy it. I do. Barely, but I do.

"No." He whispers a little louder. If I buy it, I'll have a large controll on the game. The cards are distributed in a way that if I buy Boardwalk, I can control everyone, and win the game easily.

"I'd like to bu-"

"NO." Charles said louder. Everyone stopped to look at him.

"I'll buy it." I say handing the Banker my money. I smile. Just as the money is about to be taken, Charles interrupts. He hates losing.

"If you buy that place, I'll sell you on EBay" he said.

"I think you mean E Bae." I say laughing to myself at my own joke as I hand off the money.

Charles gets up and chases after me. I stand up and run away giggling. I know I may be 13, and he may be 22, but nothing feels quite as nice as being chased like old times.

Charlotte looks fondly at me. I am like her second younger sister. Valentine and I were friends long before Charlotte and Charles relationship began, and Charlotte was always being like the older sister I never had.

Charlotte got up and chased Valentine just like Charles did to me. Once a four way ticket fight was going on at the couch, Lorenzo and Arthur joined us.

It was an amazing night.

A/N:Hope this is what you were going for. Let me know! Hope you all like it ♡♡♡♡♡

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