♡Vettel Vs Mercedes. Part 2

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Part 2 as per request by Lucy_Stark05
Hope it's good.

Sebastian POV

My heart broke.
I am an f1 driver so it takes a lot to shake me.

Seeing Y/N with him.
His arms around her waist.
Pulling her in close.

It kills more than any other F1 experience I've ever had.
None of the crashes, failed races, not any of it has ever come close to this pain.

I want to go over and smack him
Or her
Or me.

I dont know who I would hit.
With the state of anger I'm in, I would probably end up accidentally hitting Bono, or maybe Toto. And that wouldn't be good.

I turn around and walk back to the Ferrari garage.


I open my eyes after I realize what I did.

"The hell mate?" I shout as I slap Lewis on the cheek

"What?" He asks shocked about my response.

"Oh my gosh! What the heck? Why? Do you kiss every teammate after they get a DNF?" I ask, disgusted.

"No. But you've been messing around with me like you're flirting and I thought you were into me. With the whole 'painfully single's thing?!?!" Lewis asks horrified.

"Man I was kidding!! I'm taken!" I say and feel tears rolling down my cheek.

"Dont cry babe. Please" lewis says and reaches to wipe my tears

I smack his hand away

"Dont touch me. I wasnt flirting. I was playing jokes. Like friends do. Okay? Now leave me be" I say.

I storm away and head for the Ferarri garage.

Toto stands in my way.

Normally, I would be so horrified of him that I would turn away and pretend it never happened.

Not today.

I walked right past him and didnt bother to look back and see his face.

"Seb!" I call

Sebastian Vettel POV

"Seb" she called.

Normally I would cone running.
But not today.

Today she can cry alone.

"Seb. Please. I miss you" I cry as I walk into the garage.

Mattia smiles sympathetically at me and let's me come in.

Seb tries to storm out but I grab his wrist.

"Seb. I miss you. What's wrong. Why arent you helping me?" I ask.

"Why dont you go to Lewis? Ooh. Maybe you could make out with Daniel and he would help you" seb said

"I'd be down for that." Daniel said as he walked past the garage

"Seb were you there?" I ask.

He nods.

" so you saw me slap him?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

"Well then leave it be. I told him to get lost after" I explain.

He shakes his head.
"No you didnt."he complains.

"YES I DID. SEB COME BACK!" I call as he leaves.

Tears flow down my cheeks and I walk to the Red Bull Garage.

All the guys there are like family. And Mattia is like Ferarri family hes like my dad.

"Mates, I need a ride home. And a beer." I say.

"Sorry mate. I don't want to get tangled up with seb. But I may be able to slip you some beer." Daniel said. Max said the same.

I go back to the Ferrari garage.

"Y/N, is all good?" Mattia asks me.

I nod slightly. Still crying. Sobbing.

"Aww. I know you're not my driver any more, but you're still like my daughter. I can help. Okay?" He said and hugs me and gives me a tissue.

"Thanks." I mutter.

*time skip*

It's the next race weekend.

Still havent spoken to Seb. He has been ignoring me.

And I've avoided Lewis.

I cant do this. I cant have no one.

Sebastian POV

*in race*

"Alright mate. Theres two laps to go, and Y/N is 10 seconds ahead. She also has a faster pace. Nothing you can do. You'll be in P2 though. No one behing for 12 seconds." The engineer said.

"Copy" I reply.


"You've basically won mate. Seb is behind but so far off. He wont catch up."my engineer said.

"Copy" I reply.

I feel a tear run down my cheek.

I should be happy I'm beating seb.
But it hurts.

Without thinking
I slam on the breaks.
Lock up
I try to turn but understeer.

I fly into the wall.



I don't think I did that.

I subconsciously
Crashed my car

So seb could win.

Ok so I'm kinda liking this Vettel VS Merdedes thing.
Part 3?

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