Part 3?

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I put the 3 marbles in my mouth and tried to chew but it didn't break.
The boys looked at me but it was too late I swallowed them one by one.

Alejandro: ELIZA



I was getting overwhelmed with all these people yelling I wanted my dada. I stood up and wobbled to him. He was in his office, I grabbed on his leg and gave him a hug

Mattia/dad: what the- oh hi baby

Eliza: hi dada unfles are yewlling

Mattia/dad: they are

He picks Eliza up and puts her on his lap, while she giggles.

Alvaro, Alejandro, Kairi, and Roshuan all run in the room

Mattia/dad: what is y'all problem your scaring her

Alvaro: *panting* she ate like 3 marbles

Mattias face turned serious

Mattia/dad: you were supposed to watch her

While this was happening Eliza slide her head in her dads chest

Alejandro: we were she just swallowed

Mattia/dad: well dipshits she probably has to get surgery

Eliza tapped her dads chest.

Eliza: dada tired

Mattia/dad: okay baby one second

Kairi: call her doctor

Mattia/dad: *covers Elizas ears* he's gonna fucking tell me the same ass thing

Eliza is now asleep in her dads chest.

Alvaro: you think she could you know

Mattia/dad: thanks Varo I'm now worried

Alvaro: I was just saying

Mattia/dad: imma let her sleep I'll take her in tomorrow but she's sleeping next to me

Kairi: alright

Mattia carefully sets Eliza on his bed while taking off his shirt. He goes to her room and grabs her 'bear bear'.

Mattia got on his bed and Eliza cuddled up with him. He put her 'bear bear' next to her and fell asleep while holding her.

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