Part 32?

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Mattia woke up at 3 am hearing Elizas troubled breathing. He instantly sat up in full panic mode. He patted her back causing her to cough.

Mattia: baby breathe it's okay

Eliza: dada me don't feel gwo

Mattia: Ik cough it up or it won't get better it'll get worse

Eliza nods her head understanding

Mattia: shit baby you scared me

Eliza: sowwy

Mattia: it's okay, come here lay with dada

Eliza scuts into Mattias arms while he holds her. She soon fell asleep leaving Mattia with his thoughts. His thoughts instantly moved to Ayiana... she was the love of his life, Elizas mom. His memories kept flashing back seeing her dead on the medical table after failed surgery to cure her cancer. Tears streamed down Mattias face all this with Eliza being very sick just triggered his emotions.

Mattia: I love you little one

Mattia pulled Eliza even closer to him and hugged her. He already lost Ayiana to cancer he didn't need to lose his daughter.

Eliza: dada okay?

Mattia quickly wiped his tears

Mattia: yeah baby I'm okay

Eliza wrapper her little arms around him

Eliza: it's ofay. I wuv you

Mattia: I love you even more

Mattia fell asleep but Eliza stayed up. She wiggles outta his grip and walked to Kairis room.

Eliza: *cough* unfle *cough* kaiwi

Kairi: hey what are you doing up princess your supposed to be sleeping your sick.

Eliza climbed in his bed

Eliza: dada sad making me sad

Kairi: hes upset because your sick we all just want you to get better sweetheart .

Eliza starts to wheeze

Kairi: woah Eliza come sit down

Kairi puts his hand to her forehead and saw that again she had a really bad fever. His mouth fell agape not knowing what to do

Eliza: I'm *cough* tired

Eliza said out of breath

Kairi: um hell naw don't go to sleep I'll call someone- shit I don't know what to do

Kairi went to the freezer and grabbed a popsicle. He ran upstairs and gave it to her

Kairi: hey Liza eat this. We're gonna do a little challenge okay... whoever stays up the longest gets a surprise. Imma turn on Secret Life Of Pets your favorite movie okay

Eliza: ofay

She said as her eyes started closing with the popsicle in her hand.

Kairi: yes nope not on my watch

Kairi picked her up and took her to Alejandros room. He was holding her in baby position

Alejandro: yo wth

Kairi: idk she just started getting worse her fever is bad too

Alejandro: lay her down on my bed. Does Mattia know

Kairi: no his tired and I'm pretty sure he's only had 2 hours of sleep.

Alejandro: okay. Hey Eliza come here

Eliza crawls over to Alejandro. Alejandro holds her in his lap while the fan was on them.

Eliza: I'm cold

Alejandro: Ik Ik you need this fever to go down

Eliza stuffs her head into Alejandros chest . Alejandro moves her head

Alejandro: here eat your popsicle

Alejandro held the popsicle as she ate it. Kairi came back in the room with medicine.

Kairi: since it's 3 am no one answered so

Alejandro: shit kairi idk what to do

Eliza had a coughing fit and Alejandro patted her back

Kairi: she's wheezing and that's not good

Alejandro: nah i didn't notice kai

Alejandro held her in his arms while she was eating the popsicle

Eliza: no more

Alejandro: okay that's fine

For the rest of the day she didn't get better

Alejandro: Eliza

Eliza: y-yea

Alejandro: how are you feeling 1-10

Eliza: 9 berry bad

Alejandro: poor baby I know

Alejandro wraps her into a hug

Kairi: so I looked up on the internet a inhaler helps with the wheezing

Alejandro gets a inhaler from his drawer. He has it because Mattia made it 'mandatory' that everyone has one in the room for Liza

Alejandro: I know you don't like this but just breath it in

He puts it in Elizas mouth and pumps 2 breathe of Air.

Alejandro: see that's good

Eliza had tears in her eyes indicating that she didn't like using it

Alejandro: Ik lil Liza but you have to

Eliza: na na no more

Alejandro: okay no more just lay down and watch the movie

Eliza: kaiwi?

Kairi: I'm right here

Eliza: ofay

Eliza rolled of Alejandro and laid in the middle of them.

Kairi: go to sleep Liza

Alejandro: night night

Eliza: goodnight

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