Part 9?

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Kairi rolled the cart too the car and went home. When they came home Alvaro set Eliza down for a nap.

Eliza woke up and went to Alejandro

Eliza: uncle alw

Alejandro: yes love

Eliza: wheres dada

Alejandro: idk probably his office why

Eliza: ofay dank u

Alejandro: np

Kairi comes running to Alejandros room

Kairi: man where fucked

Eliza: oh no a mownster

Kairi: I said duck

Eliza: ofay

Alejandro: What's your problem

Alvaro runs in the room

Alvaro: just break Mattias phone he's sleeping

Alejandro: woah woah woah what's happening

Kairi: well we took Eliza to the store, and we left her in the isle next to us because we didn't want her to see us pick *whispers* condoms and look at this video

Kairi shows a video of a boy climbing Elizas cart and giving her a kiss, blowing up on the internet because it was Mattias Polibio kid

Alejandros mouth was wide open

Alejandro: yea if I was you I'll slam Mattias phone into the wall


Eliza ran to her dads room jumping on the floor causing him to wake up.

Mattia: Elizabeth stop please

Eliza: no dada

Mattia sighed before getting up, he picked up Eliza and put her next to him.

Alvaro comes tumbling in the room like a crazy.

Mattia: Bro-

Alvaro grabbed his phone and ran like never before.

Mattia: one sec Liza dada has to take care of your crazy uncle

Mattia gets up and runs after Alvaro. Roshuan comes in the room and picks up Eliza.

Roshuan: I saw that video Liz

Eliza didn't know what he was talking about so she just cuddled her head in his neck.

Roshuan: your too precious

Roshuan heard yelling and went downstairs to see Mattia on top of Alvaro trying to get his phone back.


Nobody knew but Kairi was long gone. He was not gonna die today, by long gone he was in the shed/house relaxing.

Mattia: what is your problem

Alejandro came downstairs

Alejandro: bro you saw the video

Alvaro: no he didn't

Mattia: what video

Alejandro: check your phone

Alvaro took off running he ran to the shed to see kairi relaxing.

Alvaro: your a putà

Kairi: bro get out your gonna get me caught

Alvaro sat on the bean bag.

Mattia turned his phone on and went on insta to see posted on tik tok room. He watched the video and saw the boy kiss Eliza

Mattia: so? If I was that girls dad someone would be dying

Alejandro: look closer

Mattia looked at the girls face and saw his girl, he saw Eliza


Roshuan: Kai and Varo


He stomps up the floor to there room and saw that they weren't there. That made him even more mad.

Eliza was in her room playing when a angry Mattia approaches

Mattia picks her up and *pops her hand lightly*

Mattia: no that's a bad girl no kisses other from family

Mattia set her down and walked out of the room. Eliza sniffled knowing her dad was mad at her. She closed the door and reached for the lock, she jumped a few times before locking it. She sat down after and started throwing a fit kicking her legs screaming, crying, stomping. Everything annoying a kid could do

Mattia let's her be until she eventually falls asleep

(Idk why but this is my favorite book to write)

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