Part 57?

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Eliza woke up to Mrs.Wilson knocking on her door coming in to take her to chemo

Mrs.Wilson: are you readyyyyyy for YOUR MAYBE LAST DAY IF CHEMO

Eliza: YESSS

Eliza got in her wheel chair and Mrs.Wilson wheeled her to the chemo room. She got a Eliza all ready and she sat besides her

Mrs.Wilson: tomorrow we're gonna do a MRI to see if your body handled the chemo right and killed the cancer. But if it didn't no need to worry we will just try another treatment

Eliza took a deep breath hoping it worked

Eliza: let's hope for the best

Mrs.Wilson: always

Eliza finished her chemo and got wheeled back to her room. She instantly fell asleep  because the chemo took her energy


Me and the boys were gonna spend the night at the hospital tomorrow was the big day to figure out if my daughter beat cancer.

Alvaro: you ready?

Mattia: yeah

We drove to the hospital and walked to my daughters room to see her dead asleep. I ran my hand through her hair and put my hand on her forehead to make sure she didn't have a fever. I smiled seeing everything was okay. Her nurse told me that there doing a MRI on her tomorrow. I paced around the room thinking what if the test came positive and showed she still had cancer, what if it gotten worse.

Kairi: bro you gotta stop she's gonna be okay

Alejandro: I bet she will be

Alvaro: ooo cookies

Mattia smacked Alvaro

Mattia: those are hers and she love cookies

Roshuan: be quite she's gonna wake up

The boys fell asleep on the bed as I stood up watching her breathing. I don't know what I would do if her test was positive. Me and all the old creators have to go to a business meeting soon i would 100% cancel

I heard Eliza shake in her sleep I instantly got up and went to her bed. She was probably having a bad dream. She gasp waking up I rubbed her back

Mattia: hey it's okay honey

Tears stream down Elizas face thinking about her dream

Eliza: dad? Why are yall here

Mattia: because we missed you

Eliza got up and allowed Mattia to get on the bed he got on and she layed her head on his chest.

Mattia: you wanna talk about it

Eliza shook her head no and Mattia understand she feel asleep and Mattia matched there breathing together so he knows if something happens. He eventually fell asleep knowing his daughter was okay

(I'm changing Jacobs Beck name to Tommy Beck)

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