Part 35?

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It's been a week and Eliza doing better. Kairi got a little cold and Eliza is babying hjm.


Eliza was in Kairis room In his arms.

Eliza: fweel better?

Kairi: not that much baby

Eliza tucked her head into Kairi chest.

Mattia: there you are Eliza. Your in here again

Eliza: DADA!

Mattia: hi honey how do you feel Kairi

Kairi: like crap but Eliza is making me feel better

Eliza laughed and clapped her hands


Mattia: you hungry honey

Eliza: no me have to stay with kaiwi to make him fweel better

Mattia: I'll bring both of y'all some Canes

Eliza: ofay

Eliza stayed in Kairis room trying to entertain him. Mattia came in with the food.

Mattia: Eliza Kairi needs to eat and sleep so... come on

Eliza: hmmm nah

Mattia: wasn't asking

Mattia carries Eliza out of his room and closed his door. Eliza was pouting

Mattia: here eat

Mattia places her on the chair and cuts her chicken in pieces.

Eliza ate one fry

Eliza: ALL DONE!?

Mattia: no honey that's not how it works

Eliza: no me all done

Mattia sighs and picks up her food and feeds it to her

Mattia: your gonna eat this whole thing okay

Eliza ignored him and watched tv while Mattia feeds her.

Eliza: can me go see payt?

Mattia turned instantly

Mattia: who the hell is payt

Eliza: payt? oh Payton

Mattia: no never again sorry Eliza but you can't have any boy- friends

Eliza gasps and Mattias attention went on her again worried

Eliza: how rude

Mattia: *laughs* shutup baby

Eliza: just friend though like uncle var

Mattia: no he's ur uncle... family not no random boy

Eliza: ofay

Eliza wasn't gonna let Mattia break her friendship with Payton she might be young but she wasn't stupid

(Who should the new book be about... sorry I can't stop updating it's making me panic anyways on Saturday my updating schedule will be back on track... hopefully
Should it be Ale, Kairi, or Mattia)


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