Part 21?

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Alejandro came walking downstairs with Eliza in his hands. He placed her in front of everyone.

Alejandro: tell them what you told me

Eliza: shit?

Mattia: dont fucking say that

Eliza: fucking?

Mattia walked away urging himself to calm down. He came back

Eliza: dada mad

Mattia: yes so stop it

Eliza: 'stop it' 🙄

Mattia: your grounded

Eliza arms crossed and tried to roll her eyes

Mattia: keep the attitude up. No tv or toys for 2 weeks

Eliza crawled upstairs to her room and closed her door.

Alvaro: I- how is a 4 year old so sassy

Mattia: she doesn't get it from me

Kairi: can y'all help me get some groceries out the car

Everyone: sure

Eliza went downstairs when they closed the front door. She got a step stool and got on her tippy toes and locked it. She locked the back door too. The boys came to the door with the door locked.

Alvaro: who locked the door

The boys: not me

Roshuan: are you serious

He says as he sees Eliza siting right in front of the locked door smiling

Mattia got closer to see what he was talking about. Once he saw Eliza siting on the floor grinning he lost it.


She got up and turned around, she remembered what Roshuan showed her. She started trying to tweark in front of the boys.

The boys mouths were wide open.


Mattia: I don't care I'm gonna whoop her she deserves it

Alvaro came back from looking around the house

Alvaro: she locked all the fucking doors

Kairi: great

Elizabeth got her blanket and went to the door. She pretended to give it to them. She laughed

Roshuan: why is she so mean

Mattia: she's gonna get her ass beat

Alejandro: if I was her dad I would to

Kairi: I kinda want that blanket

Eliza started to twerk again

Mattia: oooo just wait Elizabeth

Eliza stopped and stuck her tongue out

She sat her back to the floor and she looking at the ceiling


Eliza sat up and looked at him in his eyes

Eliza: Crith. Brown. Engy

Mattia: that's it. your getting your ass beat I was going easy on you but now no

Eliza: blah 🙄

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