Part 23?

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After Mattia did that he regretted it. He knocked on the door but didn't get a response, which is reasonable.

Mattia: Eliza

No response

Mattia: Eliza open your door

No response

Mattia got a key to her door and unlocked it. His face furrowed in confusion when he didn't see her. Mattia


I heard dada open my door. I was scared so I just stayed in my playbox.

Mattia: Eliza?

Eliza fell asleep


I looked under her bed and in the closet she wasn't in her room. I went to all the boys room and they said they haven't seen her. My face flashed with worried. I know she's 4 but what if she runs away. It's now 3 am and I've looked everywhere no signs of Eliza

Mattia: guys where is she

Kairi: she probably hiding in her room

Mattia: I checked everywhere call the police mayne she was kidnap-

Alvaro: found her

Mattia ran upstairs to see Eliza peacefully sleeping with dried tears down her face.

Mattia picked her up and hugged her while she was still sleeping.

Mattia: I'm so sorry please don't leave

Alejandro: cute and stuff but she's sleeping let her

Mattia placed her in bed. Eliza was fake sleeping once they left the room she started sneaking to Mattias room to see him sleeping. She stole his phone and went back to her room. Eliza wasn't an ordinary 4 year old she was smart. She pressed down the Siri button and said

Eliza: cwal Gianluca?

Siri: Calling Gianluca

Gianluca: what bro I'm trying to have sex

Eliza: unfle Gianluca

Gianluca: crap. Umm hey Liza wassup

Eliza: dada hurt me. He hit me 10 times

Gianluca: he did WHAT

Eliza: ywa *sniffle* you come get me?

Gianluca: of course baby I'll be there as soon as possible. They won't be mean no more

Eliza: pwomise?

Gianluca: I swear, I'll even bring your papa

Eliza: ofay go go

Gianluca: bye

Eliza wobbled baxk to Mattias room and put the phone on the floor. She walked to the living room and stepped on a piece of glass...

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