Part 51?

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Nurse: okay hi Eliza I'm gonna be your nurse I'm mrs.Wilsion and today were doing a MRI scan

Eliza: okay

The nurse rolled her out

Eliza: bye dad love you

Mattia: love you too little one

Mattia walked to the waiting hall to see Kairi and Alejandro

Alejandro: how did it go

Mattia: the nurse told me there testing her for cancer

Mattia said starting to cry. Alejandro and Kairi engulfed him in a hug

Kairi: it's gonna be okay

Alejandro: if she has it we'll get through it Elizas a fighter

Mattia wipes his tears and went on his phone. He called his brother who just sounded like he woke up

Gianluca: what dude I'm sleeping i was up all night working

Mattia: Elizas in the hospital

Gianluca: what do you mean

Mattia: On her way to school something happened

Gianluca: oh... is she okay what's wrong

Mattia: Gianluca

He said while his voice was breaking

Mattia: the doctors think she has cancer and I'm scared. I don't know what to do

Gianluca: CANCER? Mattia man I'm so sorry.

Mattia: I have to go dads calling me

Gianluca: bye tell Eliza I love her

Mattia: I will

Mattia hangs up the phone and answer his dads

Dad: what happened to my granddaughter her friend came up in here crying

Mattia: she's at the hospital the nurses are testing her for cancer

Dad: she has cancer?

Mattia: maybe dad I don't know I'm stressed and my child is getting tested I'm gonna go

Dad: okay bye love you me and your mother will be there today

Mattia: love you too bye

Mattia sees them roll back Eliza to her room she was talking to the nurse. He walked to her room

Mattia: hey baby how was it

Eliza: boring

Mattia: well I got kairi to get your phone from the house

Mattia handed it to her

Eliza: thanks dad

Mattia: np

Eliza: so... when can we go home

Mattia: Idk depending on the test

Eliza: okay

Mattia: I'm going to the bathroom

Eliza took this as an opportunity to call Payton to check if he's okay

Eliza: hello?

Payton: ELIZA?! Are you okay you had me worried

Eliza: I'm fine I don't know why I'm here anymore

Payton: Eliza please tell your dad about our friendship I need to see you

Eliza: yeah also while your at it say bye to me because it's my funeral too

Payton: funny bitch I'm serious I need to see you

Eliza: it's not like I'm gonna be in this hospital any longer I'm probably going home tomorrow

Payton: okay what are you doing there

Eliza: ehh test also I met this nurse and she's so nice she's honestly my favorite.. wait aren't you supposed to be at school Mr

Payton: don't call me Mr sorry a bunch of people told me my bestfriend of 9 years was dead and I lost my shit

Eliza: sorry I honestly don't know what happened

The nurse came in the room.

Eliza: oh hi mrs.Wilson this is my boy bestie who I was talking about. Say hi

Mrs.Wilson: hi Payton

Payton: hellooooo

Eliza: remember no telling my dad

Mrs.Wilson: I actually need to tell you and your dad some news according to your tests.

Eliza: I have to go payt love you

Payton: love you more stay safe

Eliza hangs up and waits till her dads in the room. He tells by the look of the nurse face that it's not good

Nurse: according to the test Eliza you have leukemia but the good news is that we caught it very early so it should just take a little chemotherapy and it should be all gone. It's good that we caught it so soon only about 3 to 4 weeks of chemo

Mattia was relieved but still sad. Eliza had tears down her face and the nurse left the room.

Mattia held Eliza as she cried

Mattia: it's gonna be okay honey

Eliza: I'm scared

Mattia: me too

Mattia and Eliza stayed in the bed hugging until Eliza fell asleep.

(I was busy today😍😜night😎)

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