Part 53?

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I opened my eyes slowly to see my whole ass family looking at me... when I say every one I mean it. My grandma, grandpa, uncle gianmarco, aunt Maiya, uncle gianluca, uncle kairi, uncle Alejandro, uncle Roshuan, uncle Alvaro, and my very sleepy dad . Mind you it's a small room.

Eliza: woah... hello?

Mattia: hi baby your finally up

I got up from my sleeping position and yawned

Eliza: goodmorning

Every one gave her hugs and told her that she could fight this and crap. She put on a brave face but really she was afraid... no not if dying of leaving her family alone.

Eliza: thanks guys I love you

Mattia smiled

Mattia: how are you feeling not to hot or not to cold. Are you dizzy do I need to get a nurse-

Eliza: I'm fine dad. I feel alright I'll be okay

Mattia: okay I'm just making sure

Everyone eventually left and Eliza was exhausted cancer really takes a lot outta person. The nurse came in the room

Nurse: today we are going to do a little bit of chemo to get you use to the feeling. You most likely won't lose hair because you only gonna have to do 4 weeks of it

( that's not true irl I just don't want her to lose her hair)

Eliza: okay

Eliza stood up from her bed ready to go

Mrs.wilson: woah hold you have to get in a wheelchair

Eliza: why I feel fine

Mrs.Wilson: the chemo takes a lot of your energy

Eliza: okay?

Eliza sat in the wheel chair and the nurse wheeled it to the chemo kids room. Mattia followed right behind them.

The nurse tried to put a needle in Eliza but she dodged it

Eliza: umm how bout no. That thing is not going on me

Mattia threw his head back knowing how Eliza was gonna react she has always hated needles.

Mattia: come on Eliza don't be childish

Eliza: no

Mattia grabbed her hand and pulled her head into his shoulder.


Mattia mouthed you the nurse to do it and she stuck the needle in Eliza let out a little scream of pain and Mattia rolled his eyes eyes knowing how childish she was.

Mrs.Wilson: now it's over find something to distract you

Eliza shakes her head still mad at her dad.

The nurse left the room and Eliza threw her head back on the chair

Mattia: how do you feel

Eliza: normal... bored

Mattia: look Eliza it had to be done anyways

Eliza: I know

Eliza sat to the edge of her chair and put her head in Mattias lap.

Eliza: are you sure we have to do this

Mattia: yes sweetie it's the only way for you to get better

Eliza: okay

Eliza player her phone while she was in Mattias lap. She realized she hasn't told Payton that she had cancer.

Eliza: dad did you sleep last night

Mattia: yeah why

Eliza: I know you didn't don't lie maybe you should go home and come back in the morning

Mattia: yeah hell no

Eliza: you can't stay in a hospital for 4 weeks there gonna kick you out

As much as Mattia wanted to stay he knew that his daughter was right

Mattia: but what if something happens to you

Eliza: that's why I'm at the hospital if I feel bad I'll call you and you can visit everyday

Mattia: okay that's a good deal

Eliza laughed while Mattia played with her hair. After hours went by Eliza could feel her self slowly fading away. A nurse came in and detached the machine. She was rolled back to her room but she was slumped.

Eliza went on her hospital bed and Mattia sat in the chair watching her.

Eliza: dad you need sleep go home

Mattia: okay okay swear you'll call me even if your head starts to hurt a little.

Eliza: I swear bye love you

Mattia: love you too

Eliza fell asleep

(😜 sorry for posting late might spam tonight)

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