Part 13?

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Maiya woke up and checked on Eliza. She was still sleeping, Maiya sighed before picking up her phone and calling her brother.

Kairi: hey Mai

Maiya: hey Kai when are you coming back

Kairi: like in 2 or 3 more days

Maiya: see I- me- I don't even know how to say this

Kairi: what?

Maiya: so I was upstairs and Eliza was downstairs

Kairi: okay and

Maiya: she tried to get me and Parker and she twistedherankleandbrokeit

Kairi: your confusing me mai speak up

Maiya: she fell down the stairs and broke her leg. She cried all night when we took her to the doctors she has a cast.

Kairi: WHAT MAIYA you were supposed to watch her

Maiya: I was then I went upstairs

Kairi: is she okay

Maiya: I don't think so she looks like she's in pain

Kairi: okay I'll tell Mattia

Maiya: alright


Me and the boys were on stage. When we finished we went up to our Condo.

Kairi: hey i need to talk to you Mattia

Mattia: what?

Kairi: so Maiya called

Mattia: is everything alright

Kairi: Eliza got in a small accident but she's alright her ankle is broken but she's in pain

Mattias mouth was wide open

Mattia: come on boys were going home

Kairi: we cant tia, she's gonna be alright-

Mattia: alright? my baby is in pain !

Kairi: we're going back tomorrow the flight is already set just wait

Mattia: whatever can i talk to her

Kairi: she's sleeping. She was crying nonstop at the doctors

Mattia: I should've been there

Kairi: it's maiyas fault

Mattia: no it's not it's mine

Kairi: don't say that bro she's okay she's gonna make it

Mattia: she needs her dad

Kairi: yea and your gonna be there tomorrow don't worry about it

Mattia: alright


I woke up not feeling good.

Eliza: auwtea Maiwa

Maiya: yes baby

Eliza: me no feel gwod

Maiya: Ik sweetheart just don't move your leg. I'll get you some banana puffs and turn on the tv

Eliza: ofay

Maiya turns on the tv and gives Eliza the puffs. She watched Eliza eat and watch tv.

Eliza: me, dada?

Maiya: you miss your dada?

Eliza shakes her head sadly

Maiya: wanna facetime hom

Eliza: 🧐

Maiya: Im stupid, you wanna talk to him?

Eliza: wes

Maiya FaceTime calls mattia

Mattia: hello Maiya is everything alright

Maiya: yea Eliza wanted to see you

Mattia: let me see my little princess

Maiya hands the phone to Eliza

Mattia: hey baby

Eliza: DADA!

Mattia: *laughs* how you feeling princess

Eliza: me no feel to gwod

Mattia: it's okay because when I come home we're gonna have all the cuddles okay

Eliza: ofay dada wuv you

Mattia: I love you too

Maiya: wanna see her cast

Mattia: yea

Maiya shows Mattia Elizas purple cast.

Mattia: woah princess it's purple my favorite color

Eliza: auwnti Maiwa

Maiya: yes

Eliza: leg feels ouchy

Maiya: Ik baby come here

Maiya carefully places Eliza on her chest while rubbing her hair. Eliza snuggles her head in Maiyas neck

Maiya: when are you coming back Mattia

Mattia: tomorrow

Maiya: okay well bye

Mattia: bye

Maiya and Eliza chill for the rest of the day. Maiya tried to entertain Eliza but she wasn't having it.

Eliza: me need pee

Maiya: okay

Maiya picked up Eliza and she ended up hitting her foot in something causing her to cry. She cried the whole way to and from the bathroom. Maiya grabbed a lollipop which caused Eliza mood to lighten.

Maiya: ok I'm gonna postmates some food because everything is closed cause of Corona

Maiyas postmates came in and she got Eliza a canes kids meal. She cut the chicken pieces into bite size and gave them to her.

Eliza: yummmmmm

Maiya: it's good princess

Eliza: wes

Maiya: that's good

Eliza and Maiya spend the day together until they fall asleep:

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