Part 55?

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I woke up to the sun shining light in my eyes. Today. I. Felt. Like. Absolutely. Crap. I don't know I just felt like shit. I heard my dad and uncles coming in with bags.

Mattia: hey baby I brought you some Mac and cheese

Eliza: thanks dad

He kissed my forehead and sat on the chair next to me. Kairi and Roshuan sat on the bed, Alejandro and Alvaro sat in the floor they all ate there food.

Mattia: how was it yesterday

Well let's see... I had my first kiss with Jacob Beck which I'm excited about because 1 hes hot as hell.

Eliza: good like normal

We ate our food and talked. I felt so nauseous but I usually throw up my food when my dad leaves because I don't wanna get him worried. It was now 10:00pm and my dad was leaving

Mattia: are you sure you don't need me to stay honey

Eliza: no dad I'm fine bye I love you

Mattia: love you too

He left and I immediately threw up all the food I digested. My nurse came in and rubbed my back

Mrs.Wilson: it's okay Eliza

I leaned my head back on chair and Mrs.wilson came in with a water drip iv. She connected it to me and put a breathing mask thingy to make sure I can breath correctly

(Yes I still don't know what to call the breathing mask thingy)

Mrs.wilson: do you want me to call your dad I noticed your temperature gone up a little

Eliza: no I'm good

Mrs.wilson: okay but if it gets any worse I'm required to

Eliza: I know

The nurse left the room and stared at the water in my iv bag going in me one drip at a time. I decided to call Payton

Payton: hello? Eliza are you okay

Eliza: no Payton. I need to tell you something

Payton: what?

Eliza: I have cancer

Payton: you have cancer!

Eliza: yeah

Payton: Eliza why didn't you tell me sooner

Eliza: idk I'm sorry

Payton: no you don't need to apologize can I see you tomorrow

Eliza: hopefully I'll text you umm I just don't feel good right now and I'm scared

Payton: everything is gonna be alright okay

Eliza: okay... can we change the subject

Payton: okay well me and Riley have been hanging out. We've held hands

Eliza: that's amazing Payton I can tell she's good for you. Well I had my first kiss-


Eliza: Jacob Beck...


Eliza: stop😂 it's not that big of a deal

Payton: yes... yes it is

Eliza: well I'm gonna go I'm tired

Payton: okay stay safe and don't forget to call me swear

Eliza: I swear bye pay

Payton: bye

She hung up and stared outside her opened window. She focused on her breathing and eventually fell asleep

(😜 sucky chapter but I'll post more at 11:00)

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