Part 39?

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Eliza didn't answer his question

Payton: Eliza did gabe hit you

Eliza nodded her head yes

Payton: I'm gonna murder him

Eliza: dont Payton please don't start any drama

Payton: you don't deserve that

Eliza: I know

Eliza stood up and held her hand out so that Payton could grab it. Payton grabbed it

Payton: stay in here imma go get you some ice

Eliza: I'm fine let's go to class

Payton: okay but what is your dad gonna say

Eliza froze

Eliza: I'll make up something

Payton: you have to tell him soon

Eliza: Ik lets just go

Payton: skip?

Eliza: you know my dad will murder me once the school calls him

Payton: come on today has been sucky and plus my mom will kill me too so we could just die together

Eliza: hmmm DEAL

Payton grabbed Elizas hand and they snuck out the doors.

Payton: where do you wanna go bestie

Eliza: the 'office' if my grandpa isn't working

Payton: fine with me let's go

Eliza and Payton walked to his restaurant and went to their favorite waitress.

Eliza: hey mrs. Dobins

Mrs.Dobins: Eliza? Payton? What are you doing here I thought you had school and Eliza what's wrong with your eye.

Payton: well explain later is my mom or her grandpa here

Mrs. Dobins: luckily no

Eliza: thank god well be in the office

Mrs. Dobins: I'll bring some snacks and ice for your eye

Eliza: okay bye

Eliza and Payton went to the office and Eliza jumped on Payton's back


She jumped off and when she did her shirt lifted and her bruises showed everywhere

Payton: wth Eliza

Eliza: no I'll be okay

Payton: you shouldn't have to deal with this your 13

Eliza: it's okay let's just chill I'll tell my dad soon

Payton: come here let's watch tv and cuddle today has been ruff

Payton sat on the couch and turned on the vampire diares

Mrs. Dobins: here's some ice little ones y'all are so grown up now I wanna cry

Eliza: aww thanks mrs Dobins

Eliza and Payton stand up to hug her and she gave them the ice and snacks

Mrs. Dobins: I'll be back to check on you

Eliza: okay

Payton sat on the couch stretching his hands out. I jumped in his arms and we watched vampire diaries

Eliza: thank you for being the best bestie anyone could ask for

Payton: hey have you ate today

Eliza: nah I'm good

Payton: nah your eating

Eliza: paytonnnnnnn I'm not hun-

She got cut off by Payton sticking cheezits in her mouth. She looked at him

Payton: just chew for me

She chewed and they watched vampire diaries until 3:00pm. Oh no here comes the trouble

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