Part 45?

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I heard about what happened to Eliza and begged my mom to see her and not go to school tomorrow

Payton: please mom

P/m: No you already skipped school

Payton: me and Eliza will both work shifts

P/m: fine but only because I love Eliza

Payton: MOM

P/m: I love you too. Make sure she feels better I'm gonna be at work tomorrow

Payton: okay thank you bye mom

Gianluca told me that Mattia slapped her and I know that she loves her dad more than anything and he let her down. So I brung a feel better pack.

You might be wondering what that is... over me and Elizas 9 years of friendship if one of us ever feels very sad or bad we arranged a feel better pack. Filled with one of my hoodie, cookies, cheezits, candy, hot coco and cuddles basically everything that we love

I got the stuff ready and went over to Gianlucas house which was not that far but not that close either. I finally made it there and knocked on the door

Gianluca opened it

Gianluca: hey bro

Payton: hi

Gianluca: she's in her room be good I know you will but just in cas-

Payton: yes sir

Payton walked up to her room and her soft sniffles he opened the door to se her bunched up in a blanket while her eyes are puffy

Payton: hey Liza

Eliza looks up to see her bestfriend she looks down still upset. Payton gets on the bed and puts her head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her while his other one strokes through her hair. She just lost it she was bawling her eyes out

Eliza: d-do yo-you thi-think my da-d hates me

Payton: he loves you just breathe and stay calm it's gonna be okay

Payton said in a reassuring voice

Eliza dug her head deeper into Payton's chest.

Payton: wanna watch a movie

Eliza is now in fetal position with her head into Payton's chest. She started to feel a little better it was 1:00 am

Eliza: yea

She said looking up at Payton. Payton smiled seeing his bestfriend cheer up.

Payton: what movie

Eliza: any


Eliza changed into his hoodie and is now rolling around the room.

Payton: someone feels better

Eliza: yeah no school tomorrow we can cuddle all day, no mean people. Just me and my bestfriend

Payton: shhhh this is the best part

Eliza watched the movie he put on while eating some cookies. She took a bite and gave the rest to Payton which he gladly ate almost chopping off her fingers

Eliza: owww

She hit Payton on the top of the head not hard

Eliza: bad dog that hurt

Payton just bursted out laughing

Payton: we need to go to sleep it's 4:00am

Eliza: fine

Eliza jumped on top of Payton and rolled next to him.

Eliza: night bestie

Payton: good night bestfriend

Payton: good night bestfriend

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