Part 14?

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Me and the boys got on the flight. I was anxious to see Eliza, when I called her she looked like she was in pain. All I wanted to do is have my baby girl in my arms.

Kairi: man i can't wait till we get home

Mattia: tell me about it

They made it home and Kairi, Roshuan, Alvaro, and Alejandro crash into bed. Mattia gets dressed into new clothes. He heads to Maiyas. Once he gets there he knocks on the door.

Maiya: hey Mattia

Mattia: hi Maiya wheres my princess

Maiya: on the couch

Mattia walked to the couch to see Eliza watching a movie with her broken leg on the pillow.

Mattia: hey Liza

Eliza turned her head and saw her dad


Mattia: hey princess

Eliza opened her arms signaling to her dad to give her a hug. Mattia takes that sign and gives her a hug.

Mattia: how are you feeling

Eliza: me no good

Mattia: it's gonna be okay baby

Mattia: bye Maiya thanks for 'watching her'

Maiya: bye

(Mattia and Maiya have a brother and sister type relationship)

Mattia carefully lifts up Eliza and puts her in the car. He stops bye Starbucks and gets everyone a cake pop.

Once he gets them he drives home. The boys come running out the house.

Alejandro: hey Liza how your leg feeling

Eliza shakes her head no

Alvaro: woah cool cast Liz

Kairi: come here little one

Kairi undoes her seatbelt and carefully lifts her out the car. He takes her inside and holds her.

Mattia: I got y'all cake pops

Kairi: thanks

Kairi puts one in Eliza hand. Eliza bites it

Eliza: mmmmm

Kairi: good right?

Eliza: yum yum

Kairi: good😂

Mattia takes Eliza from Kairi hands. He took her upstairs to his room.

Mattia: bath time?

Eliza: wa wa

Mattia: I take that as a yes but it's gonna be difficult cause of you leg

Mattia puts her leg out of the tub and bathed the rest of her body. After he finished bathing her he wrapped her in a towel. He drys her up and puts her in pajamas.

Eliza: me hurt?

Mattia: yea baby your ankle is broken but it's gonna fix

Eliza: ofay dada

Mattia: baby it's o-

Eliza: o

Mattia: k

Eliza: k?

Mattia: okay now but the o and k together

Eliza: ooook

Mattia: good job princess

Eliza clapped her hands. Mattia lifts her up and dries her.

Eliza: no wa wa?

Mattia: no more

Eliza: 🥺

Mattia: baby don't start

Eliza sniffles

Mattia carry's her downstairs to the couch and lays her down and put on the tv. Eliza stayed on the couch for an hour before trying to get off. She slid off and put pressure on her foot.


She screamed cryed all over the house tears falling down her face.

Alejandro is the first downstairs

Alejandro: poor baby come here

Eliza is scream crying the whole time gasping for air between the crys.

Mattia: what happened

Alejandro has his hand on her head and is rocking her.

Alejandro: she tried to get off the couch

Mattia: we really need to put her in a fucking bouncer or some shit

Alejandro: tell me about it

Mattia takes Eliza from Alejandro

Mattia: calm down little one your gonna have a panic attack if you keep this up

Eliza starts panting and gasping for air while crying. Mattia quickly looks at her and panic.

Mattia: shit Shit... okay. GUYS

The boys come downstairs hearing Mattias frantic voice

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