Part 41?

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When they got home Eliza tried to go to her room but got stopped.


Eliza went downstairs and saw everyone there.

Roshuan: woah Eliza what happened to your face

Eliza: I fell

Mattia: I'm not fucking stupid who the hell did that to you and why did you skip fucking school.

Eliza: dad nothing happened I went to papas shop because I was hungry

Mattia: i know your lying

Eliza: fine someone did punch me and I got upset and went to papas restaurant okay. I'm going to my room now so bye

Everyone went silent. The only sound through the house was Elizas door closing.

Mattia: I. Am. Gonna. Murder. A. Little. Kid. Today

Kairi: come on bitches were killing a kid

Alejandro: which one


I stayed cuddled up in Payton's hoodie wishing he was here. I heard a knock at my door and I saw my dad enter.

Mattia went to her bed and sat at the end of it

Mattia: I love you so much little one and I understand why you would skip school. Just tell me next time

Eliza: okay... sorry for skipping without permission

Mattia: little one you need to tell me who did it so I can do something about it

Elizas head was in Mattias lap and Mattia was playing with her hair

Eliza: it was this dude I don't know his name

She lied because she didn't wanna start any drama

Mattia: it was a guy?

Eliza: yea

Mattia took a deep breath to hold I'm his anger.

Mattia: I love you little one and just tell me next time I promise I won't do anything crazy in the proximity of 5 hours

Eliza laughed

Eliza: Love you too dad

Mattia: how about a deal I'll give you your phone back if you tell me name and last name

Eliza: not a chance

Mattia: at least I tried

Mattia stood up and kissed her forehead

Mattia: love you goodnight

Eliza: night night

( sorry for bad chapter im tired and exhausted ✌️)

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