Chapter # 9

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Aiden POV:-

What happened to her? She is the one who told me that she doesn't want to ruin our friendship and is now pushing me away from her. What's wrong with her? Why is she like this? She has changed so much. I don't understand her demeanour, if there's something she wants to say, she could have she don't have to act that cold.

I sighed and walked back to John and Melissa.

"What happened to her?" John asked.

"Nothing. She is just stressed." I said stilling looking in her direction.

"Seems like it, she is always weak in studies." John said.

"Maybe.." I said turning my head to him.

"You should help her in her studies like before." John suggested. I don't think it's a good idea, she is pushing herself away from me and the more I'll try to come closer, it will break her more.

"I have some work. I'll talk to her, maybe she has other problems." I said.

"She never had problems other than studies she just whine about it all day." John joked as Melissa laughed a little but I remain silent. She has bigger problems and that's me.

"I have to go too." I said.

"Why?" Melissa held my arm and gave me puppy eyes.

"I have some errands." I said.

"Please don't go." She said- almost plead. I looked at her eyes for a second and sighed.

"Please Melissa, try to understand." I said hoping she'll understand. She looked at me for a second and let go of my arm and flashed me a smile,

"Okay. If you have work then we can hangout later. John, why don't you and me go and watch a movie?" She asked.

"I don't mind." John said, shrugging his shoulders. I smiled and then left.

Should I talk to Jessica? She is the one who said that I am right and we can't work out and we should remain as friends, she is the one who said to forget about it. I may have given a thought about it but she said it's okay. It was just my thought that we won't work, was it wrong?

Was I too hasty and made a wrong choice? Did she love me that much? Perhaps I should avoid her too, my presence will only increase her ravage.

For the next few days, I tried to avoid Jessica and talk with her but I really liked teasing her and talking to her , she is just a really good friend.

'This 'good friend' is the reason for everything.'

My mind scolded me but I shrugged this thought off. It's not my fault, we sorted everything out, everything is clear between us.

As I was looking out of the window in my room, lost in thoughts, door knocked and mother entered,

"Aiden, Melissa came to meet you." She said and pushed the door and let Melissa in.

"I'll send something for you guys."

"Oh, don't bother Aunt, I'll leave soon. I just need to talk to Aiden." She said. Mother smiled and nodded and left but I stopped her.

"Mother, can you cook french fries for me?" I asked. She loves cooking and when someone asks her to cook something she becomes so exhilarated.

She grinned and walked out.

I then turned my gaze towards Melissa. She looked down as a blush crept upon her cheek, she was looking rather nervous.

"Aiden.. I wanted to talk to you.." My heart skipped beat in dread as I hoped deeply that what I am thinking she is about to say is wrong. Please don't be.

"Yes? What is it?" I asked. Her deep blush and shyness is enough for me to know what she is about to say but I denied it deeply from the bottom of my heart. One devastation was enough, I don't want a second one too.

"I.. like you. No, I love you." She raised her gaze and looked at me expectantly. My eyes widened in horror as I couldn't bear this anymore.

"You.. are my cousin, Melissa." I tried to reason.

"So what of it?" She said. I opened my mouth to find a valid reason to make her understand but then the image of Jessica flashed in my mind, I made her like this and unlike her, Melissa won't become cold but rather into a maniac.

"Melissa.. maybe.. I don't think.. we.. You.." I was at the loss of words.

"Aiden. Yes or no? It's a simple answer."

"Also very difficult."

"Come on, I am the one who kept things secret. I still have your picture when you smoked for the first time at 15." My eyes widened in disbelief, that's blackmailing!

"And you're gonna use it against me?" I asked monotonously.

"Of course not... for now. You know how much uncle hates cigarettes. If they came to know their son smoked at the age of 15.. what will happen?"

"I don't smoke now."

"But you surely did back then." She smirked and continued, "Oh, We were off topic. I was saying, I truly love you Aiden." I kept looking at her. I am at a place where in front is devastation of hers like Jessica and behind is my secrets I shared with her which can severely affect mine and father's relation, what I don't want. I can't break his trust.I inhaled deeply and formed a fake smile,

"Thanks.. I am happy." I said.

"So... should I take it as a 'yes'?" She asked. You left me with no choice. I took a step closer and pinched her cheek and smiled widely- unwillingly and forced.

Her face lit up in happiness as she engulfed me in a hug.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" She beamed. I stood there devoid yet smiling.

"I'll go and see you later." She said pecking my cheeks and left.

After she left, I sighed and fell on my bed as I stared at the ceiling void of any emotions. Just what my life has taken, in just a moment, I am in the very first relation of my life and in the most unexpected way with the most unexpected person. My very relation was not out of love but rather forced, I don't even love her. At this very moment, I wish I wouldn't have rejected Jessica, we may have been different but we were close and can understand each other. I ruined everything, I ruined my life, Melissa's life- no, that girl chose it herself. I destroyed mine and Jessica's relationship. What she'll think if she came to know about it. Melissa will surely boast about it to everyone. What do I care what Jessica will think? Urgh! I am so distressed.

As I was laying on my bed motionless, my phone rang and it was Jessica.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi, Congratulations on your first relation ever. Aiden Lennard." She said in her mocking tone she is using for the past few days.

"Melissa told you, didn't she?" I asked.

"Everyone." She replied. After a silence she spoke up,

"Well you guys would look good together. After all, you guys are so similar." She taunts me.

"Jessica please try to understand."

"Oh, I am understanding Aiden. Don't stress yourself."




"Not having enough courage to speak what you want. Hah, how pitiful." She laughed scornfully.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just realized that love needs similarity more than devotion. Oh, I gotta go and get ready for your party. Bye." And she cut the call before I could answer. I grit my teeth and put my phone aside.

Was I wrong?

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