One month later.
"Next stop Ponyville!" The conductor announced on the speaker. She had been on the train for a while now, the deep green hills zipping past her, the sun rising behind the mountains. It would be morning soon, and her new life would soon begin. After The princess had told her to go to Ponyville she had been very busy, she spent hours packing her books and supplies and other important things for school life. All this change made her nervous, but excited! She wasn't exactly looking forward to 'making friends' but after the princess had enlighten her, she was going to give it a chance. After all, this would give her a chance to live closer to her parents.
"Ponyville station approaching!" Said the conductor even louder than before. The train stopped with a halt, doors opening and everyone pushing past each other. In the chaos Luster dropped one of her bags causing the items inside to spill all over the place.
"Oh fiddle-sticks!" She muttered picking up the items with her magic and putting them back in the bag. After she got all her stuff together, she headed for the school. As she got closer and closer, she could see all the new students arriving one by one. Some were ponies, and some weren't. Ever since Twilight took over, more and more creatures from other lands had been coming in. Even creatures from beyond the badlands! All sorts of new and different species were signing in for the next school year. It was going to be a big one alright.
As luster walked in, two airships landed next to the school on top of the airship ports (which had been built a couple years ago for all the new students.) Right as it landed, new students started pouring out and looking at their new surroundings.
"Wow! Isn't this place amazing sis!?" Skyla said, flying around in excitement.
"Eh, Its alright I guess." Flurry said rolling her eyes. "I rather be back home."
"Your highness please don't be so stubborn, your mother sent you to this school-"
"To learn about friendship, I know." Flurry heart said interrupting their butler who was sent to escort them to their new school.
"I still don't understand why I have to go here, I mean I just saved the crystal empire a few weeks ago, AN ENTIRE EMPIRE! I even got my picture on a glass window!" Flurry exclaimed, waving her hoof in the air.
"That may be right, but you are still young-"
"Oh please, I just turned 102 like yesterday." Flurry said interrupting him again.
"That's still pretty young for an alicorn. You need to go to school and learn things that will help you in life." He replied.
"Then why couldn't I have just stayed in my old school." She grumped crossing her hooves.
"Well, you have already all the knowledge you need from crystal prep, but your mother thought you may need to learn... other aspects of life, things you haven't learned yet, and this is the perfect place. After all he could still be out there..."
"Oh please!" Flurry said rolling her eyes. "I defeated that goblin guy already, don't worry about it."
"You banished him there's a difference." He pointed out. "After all he could be getting stronger as we speak, the crystal empire is the last place you should be right now."
Flurry heart groaned. "Ugh, fiiiiinne." She said, finally caving in and went into school, Skyla fluttering close behind. Meanwhile...
"Now, are you sure you can handle it?" Fluttershy asked her daughter. Panacea had been homeschooled her whole life until now, she had finally gain the courage to go to public school.
"Oh you worry to much, she'll be just fine." Discord said hovering next to her. "Everyone's going to love her and if anyone's mean to her, she can bloop them away like that!" He said snapping his fingers.

The Rise of Luster Dawn (DISCOUNTINUED)
FanfictionLuster Dawn has just been sent to Ponyville to attend the school of friendship. Her parents, Starlight and Sunburst are now in charge. Alongside her new friends, she will learn about friendship, love, and fighting for everything she never knew she w...