"COCK-A-DOODLE-DO!" The rooster crowed once again on another sunny morning. The blue birds flying through the pinkish sky. The clouds drifting across the breeze. The green leaves of the trees blowing back and forth, awaking the little animals from inside, blinking to a brand new day. And in the midst of this, the school of friendship sat beside the shimmering waterfalls. The sunrise falling upon the building little by little, rays of light pouring into the windows of the dorms, breaking through the students sleep. A young unicorn yawned as she stretched her hooves into the air.
"Morning everyone." Luster said groggily. "Man, it's amazing what a good night sleep can do for you. I feel great! Like I could conquer the world."
"Well you can't actually do that, can you?" Magnolia asked from under her blanket. "Otherwise you would be considered evil and turned to stone."
"Well I didn't mean that in a literal sense, obliviously." Luster replied, sitting up in her bed. "I'm just saying I feel a lot better than yesterday. Feels weird without Panny being here."
"You can say that again." Magnolia replied.
"Well, at least we don't have to deal with any chaotic outbursts." Flurry mumbled from her bed. "Panny's sweet and all, but that little incident a while back really took a lot out of me."
Magnolia rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you weren't even there!"
"Yes I was." Flurry said. "Me and Skyla flew in a bit later after our talk. Saved Luster's life from a pony eating flower, don't you remember?"
"That's true." Luster added. "But you didn't see the start of it. The spark that started her rage was really the worst of it. You should have seen all those vines attacking people, bubbles floating everywhere-"
"What's so scary about bubbles?" Flurry asked.
"There were creatures inside the bubbles." Magnolia said.
"...Oh." Flurry said with a blank face. "I can see how that would be a problem."
"I wonder when she's coming back." Luster said. "Her suspension should be over by now."
"Who knows if she's ever coming back." Flurry commented. "If I went through something like that, I'd be to embarrassed to return at all."
"Oh, I hope she's all right." Luster said with a hint of worry. "I can only imagen how she felt after all that, must have felt like a monster."
"A shame that would be, she really is a sweetheart." Magnolia said with a frown. "The best of all of us."
"What about me?" Flurry asked. Magnolia just stared at her.
"Eh... your like, on a scale of 4 out of 5."
"Out of what?" Flurry asked. "On a scale of what?"
"I am not snarky!" Flurry yelled. "Luster am I snarky?"
Luster shrugged. "Um... yeah, kind of. You have your moments from time to time."
Flurry sighed. "Whatever. We should get going anyway, class is about to start soon." She said beginning to step out of bed. "You can ask about Panacea on our way out."
"Since when were you so concerned about school?" Magnolia asked.
"Well, after the whole incident, principal Starlight is making me redo the big history exam I never got to take. I thought she would just forget about it but apparently not. I'm due to take it later today. Which I am absolutely dreading, but if I skip another class again she said she would call my mom and I certainly don't want that." Flurry said pulling on the uniformed jacket over herself. "While I might and probably will fail, I rather face an F than my mother's wrath."

The Rise of Luster Dawn (DISCOUNTINUED)
FanfictionLuster Dawn has just been sent to Ponyville to attend the school of friendship. Her parents, Starlight and Sunburst are now in charge. Alongside her new friends, she will learn about friendship, love, and fighting for everything she never knew she w...