"Many moons ago, at the very dawn of time, equestria began as nothing but a dry wasteland. Groups of ponies trying their best to survive in this harsh environment. Then- the evil goat known as Grogar, came with his army of monsters and took over the land. Fortunately, the great Gusty the Great stole the source of his power, leading to his own destruction. Years later-"
Lil'Chesse sighed as she slouched in her seat. Miss Trixie had just started talking and was already bored. She wasn't exactly fond of the history part of school. All that talking about stuff that already happened AGES ago, why was that even important? Why should she care? She remembered her mother saying how fun school would be, and this wasn't it.
She sighed again, even louder than before. Magnolia sat beside her, levitating her book as she read, she was perfectly focused on the lesson until Lil'Chesse began wining like a little foal who wanted candy. She ignored her at first, but she became louder and louder until she just couldn't take anymore.
"Will you please be QUIET!" She yelled in frustration. Everyone around her shushed her, then paid their attention back at the lesson.
"What? I'm bored." The filly replied kicking her hooves back and fourth.
"That's no excuse to be loud and obnoxious!" Magnolia whisper/yelled. "Some of us are trying to study you know."
"But I just have so much energy stuffed inside of me! I gotta get it out somehow."
"Well I suppose you'll have to learn to be patient won't you?" Magnolia said, looking back into her book.
Lil'Chesse sighed as she tired her best to focus on the lesson. Meanwhile in another part of the class room, Melody and Luster were taking more notes than anyone else, completely involved in everything the teacher was saying 100%. Melody wore a black hoodie along with a dripping white crescent moon, foreign writing printed on the side.
"Wow, I had no idea that the three pony leaders unfroze because of friendship. That's just-"
"Scientifically impossible?" Luster asked finishing her sentence.
"EXACTLY! I mean I just assumed they thawed out the normal way, by molecules moving fast enough to break the hydrogen bonds causing the water molecules to absorb energy letting solid turn to liquid."
"I know right? And you would think that Rockhoof's shovel couldn't even begin to penetrate solid rock. The layers of ground around a volcano are solid and thick, nearly impossible to dig through, not to mention how quickly he did it. Creating a moat through the village in less than a minute, how is that even possible?"
"What's really silly is how he so happened to 'magically transform' into this big strong pony who looks nothing like him! I mean how do you go from this, to this, in only a few seconds? It's quite hard to believe." Melody said pointing at one of the pictures in the book.
"Well... we do have magic in this world so it's not that hard to believe." Luster said with a smug face. She levitated a book towards them and flipped through the pages. Stopping at certain pages explaining what was what.
"For example, hundreds of moons ago Star-swirl created a time traveling spell. There's also the basics. Levitation, teleportation, transformation, which includes growth manipulation which is pretty much forming and moving an object's atoms at your will. Then there's light control, sound control, mind manipulation, hypnotism."
"Okay, okay I get it. You ponies are pretty cool. I mean I didn't even know any of those things were even possible!"
"Welcome to Equestria, the land of magic." Luster said proudly.

The Rise of Luster Dawn (DISCOUNTINUED)
FanfictionLuster Dawn has just been sent to Ponyville to attend the school of friendship. Her parents, Starlight and Sunburst are now in charge. Alongside her new friends, she will learn about friendship, love, and fighting for everything she never knew she w...