As the final lunch bell rang, all the students went across school in all different directions. Some went to the cafeteria, and some went outside, which was where Luster and Melody were going right now.
"Hm, do you think Mistmane's spell of revival has anything to do with light control?" Melody asked. She was still reading books about old spells and other important parts of pony history. The very topic fascinated her.
"Probably." Luster replied. "Although the process of plant growth would probably have to do more with a transformation spell, or chlorophyll manipulation. Oh! or maybe a time bubble."
"Time bubble?" Melody asked looking up from her book.
"Yeah! Basically it's like time travel except a time only affects the item the spell is cast then goes back to whatever time you want, in this case when the flower was blooming. It even lasts for 24 hours!"
"Wow, that's pretty cool." Melody said. "What would happen if you stuck your hoof in a time bubble?" She asked curiously.
"It would probably break. Time bubbles are very delicate. The slightest touch and POP. No more bubble."
"Hmm, I wonder if you could use that on a person? Then you could be young for a day!"
"I guess that could work." Luster said with her hoof on her chin. "Although tampering with the atoms of a living creature could be very risky."
"Hey, you guys have already figured out time travel, anything's possible." Melody said with a shrug. "Where are we going anyways?"
Luster smiled. "You'll see, follow me."
Meanwhile, Magnolia May and Skyla were heading towards the cafeteria to eat. It wasn't as crowded as last time, there was much more open space.
"So, what do you wanna eat?" Magnolia asked.
"Well usually we have fancy meals like Sparkling cod with lemon or Jewel berries, but of course I won't expect anything like that here."
"You eat jewel berries?" Magnolia asked. "I didn't even know those existed!"
"Well, of course, there are all kinds of exotic foods in the crystal empire, honestly I'm fine with anything."
After they got their lunches, the two of them went over to a table and sat down. None of them spoke for a bit until Skyla spoke up.
"Your having just an apple?" Skyla asked with an odd expression on her face.
"Of course. I am currently on a diet, besides I'm not that hungry."
"Well, you must be sticking to that diet cause you look great." She said with a smile.
"Aw thanks, apples are filled with vitamin C you know." Mag replied biting into her apple. "But enough about me, let's talk about you." She said changing the subject. "What's it like, being a princess and all that?"
"Oh, it's wonderful, just wonderful!" She replied. "You live in a castle, get all the best treatments, all the best clothes and horseshoes, not to mention everyone loves and respects you, and you get whatever you ask for. I'm living the dream!"
"That must sound nice." Mag responded. "I've always dreamed of living in a mansion, with a carriage and other fancy things."
"Well don't you?" Skyla asked. "Your mother is the element of generosity, I'm sure she gets you nice things."
"That's true." Mag said looking to the side. "Though mothers quite busy these days, traveling, working, visiting her different boutiques all over Equestria. Which I understand of course, she's a busy pony with important things to do and all that... I just wish she wasn't so busy."

The Rise of Luster Dawn (DISCOUNTINUED)
FanfictionLuster Dawn has just been sent to Ponyville to attend the school of friendship. Her parents, Starlight and Sunburst are now in charge. Alongside her new friends, she will learn about friendship, love, and fighting for everything she never knew she w...