After class- the five of them went out into the hallway to continue their schedule, though it was a bit awkward. After a while the class just ended abruptly- probably because the students were so freaked out by Mallory they couldn't relax. Luster had to agree, that pony had a strange vibe... she didn't know how to feel about it, in fact all the new students were kinda odd, most of them she had never even seen before. And Dana... the way she hardly paid attention to class, or anything around her for that matter. What was her deal?
And Melody, she had mentioned earlier that something was going on with her, she didn't understand that either, and worse of all she wasn't allowed to even ask anyone about it! At least her mom would know how to help her, but for some reason Melody didn't want any help not even from her friends. Didn't she trust them? Why was she being so secretive about this? And what could she do about it?
While Luster was lost in thought- she didn't notice the commotion unraveling in the hall until she was right in front of it. The group gasped with shook from the scene before them. Three ponies, a unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony were beating down a small bird girl backing her up into a corner. This was the third time they had witnessed bullying in the school, and on a little kid out of all things?
"Ugh great, it's these guys again." Flurry grumbled with frustration. "Looks like the mean girls are back at it again with their pompous tyranny, why am I not surprised."
"Honestly why can't they just leave us alone?" Magnolia tuned in. "I mean they're always trotting around these halls thinking they own the place with their heads up high, who do they think they're fooling?"
Luster felt shaking from behind her. She turned around to see Panacea shaking with fear.
"Hey, are you ok?" She asked quietly.
"Of course I'm not ok!" She replied. "I just got back and the same ponies who caused me to lose my temper in the first place are right there! I already told you I don't wanna hurt anyone. I can't go through that again! I-I-"
"It's ok." Melody said putting her paw on her shoulder. "We're here for you, your going to be ok." Panacea smiled, that made her feel slightly less worried.
"Hey, doesn't that kid look familiar?" Flurry asked looking down at the creature. Her characteristics and features were clearly recognizable.
"Hey yeah! That's one of the new kids isn't it?" Magnolia asked. "Katie? Callie?"
"Carly." Flurry said bluntly. "Oh boy, no wonder their targeting her. I've never met a chatterbox as loud as her. Poor kid must have annoyed the hell out of em' to let it get this bad. Some people just don't know when to quit."
"And it doesn't help that she's a non pony, and new." Magnolia added. "She's practically made herself a target already.
"So soon? But they literally just arrived only a few days ago. How have things already gotten so bad?" Luster thought to herself, she couldn't help but feel guilty. Even if she was a bit annoying, it was unfair that they were mistreating others who were different than them and just getting away with it.
"Please stop!" Carly cried. "I running late and I really need to get to class-"
"Oh please!" Sunny laughed. "Like you would have to go to class, what do they teach you about anyway? How to build birdnests or something? How to fly? Cause I can guarantee you known of that stuff will help you here."
"Well actually I already know how to fly-"
"Who cares!?" Windy exclaimed fluttering above her. "No one gives a fluff about your dumb little habits. Where your from or what you like, all garbage just like you. So stop trying to put all this attention on yourself. Your a nuisance! Get the hint already."

The Rise of Luster Dawn (DISCOUNTINUED)
FanfictionLuster Dawn has just been sent to Ponyville to attend the school of friendship. Her parents, Starlight and Sunburst are now in charge. Alongside her new friends, she will learn about friendship, love, and fighting for everything she never knew she w...