Skyla flew through the fluffy clouds, past the wind and by the birds. It was awfully windy today but that didn't matter to her, her main objective was to find Flurry. She had to talk to her somehow.
"Flurry!" She called out. "Flurry where are you!?" No response. She searched some more and still nothing. She sighed. She wasn't getting anywhere. Right as she decided to give up, she saw a figure sitting at the top of the highest mountain behind the school. She flew up and sure enough, there she was. Sitting there all by herself.
Skyla stood there for a moment, she wasn't expecting to actually find her. What was she supposed to say? Should she even say anything? Maybe she should just go-
"What do you want Skyla?" Flurry said, slightly turning her head to the side.
"What? How did you know it was me?" She asked nervously.
"No one else can fly up this high, besides I knew you'd be looking for me."
"Yeah well... I am a great flyer heh." She said. No response. Skyla cleared her throat.
"Sooo, what are you doing up here?" She asked trying to start some sort of conversation.
"I don't know. Breathing. Watching the world go by, practicing." Flurry replied.
"Practicing?" Skyla asked. "Practicing what-"
In the blink of an eye, Flurry blasted an old tin can of a ledge causing it to explode. Bits of it's remains landed on the grass.
"Ohh I see." Skyla replied. "Still practicing for the royal guard huh?" She asked sitting down next to her.
"Yep. Been training everyday hoping I might be accepted." Flurry said sadly. "I've been training so hard, I've practiced so much every single day. I followed Sunburst lessons, I even convinced Tempest to train me for hoof to hoof combat since my dad wouldn't even consider it!"
"Tempest?" Skyla asked. "As in Tempest shadow? I didn't know she lived in the crystal empire."
"She doesn't." Flurry replied. "She lives right outside of it, somewhere in the frozen north I think.."
"Gosh, you have to be pretty brave to live in the frozen north, NO ONE lives in the frozen north!" Skyla said.
"Probably cause she wants to be alone, which is kinda what I was trying to do." Flurry said glaring at her. "But of course you had to butt into my business as usual."
"I do not!" Skyla replied. "I just wanted to talk to you-"
"About what Skyla? About how your sooo sorry about joining a bunch of bullies, or getting alll the attention like you ALWAYS do?" Flurry exclaimed. "Please, your not actually sorry. You just feel bad and hate to see some pony that doesn't like you. You just came up here to put on a sad face, then expect me to forgive you, then we hug, and the same thing happens alll over again tomorrow."
"But I really am sorry this time!" Skyla exclaimed. "Look, I know I messed up ok? I know that I'm kind of an attention hog sometimes and I put aside what's right just to get people to agree with me and... I'm sorry for that. I really am. I just wanted you to know that."
No response.
"What?" Skyla said. "I apologized didn't I? I realized the error of my ways what else do you want from me?"
"Classic Skyla." Flurry said. "Always waiting for the satisfaction of others just so you can feel good about yourself."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Skyla asked, beginning to get quite impatient.

The Rise of Luster Dawn (DISCOUNTINUED)
FanfictionLuster Dawn has just been sent to Ponyville to attend the school of friendship. Her parents, Starlight and Sunburst are now in charge. Alongside her new friends, she will learn about friendship, love, and fighting for everything she never knew she w...