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*Kyle's P.O.V.*

"I can't believe you guys really want to put these ridiculous costumes on again," Token grumbled.

"You're just upset that your costume isn't as cool as ours," Cartman replied to him.

It was true; we did look ridiculous, but I didn't mind. Usually, we spent Saturday nights in Stan's basement playing video games or going to some lame party. As embarrassing as we looked, I couldn't help but think that this was going to be fun.

"Here, I brought something to make you feel better," Stan chucked as he took a cooler out from the back of his pickup.

He opened it to show us that it was full of beer, which we all gratefully took one. We drank and continued to modify the outfits from when we were children. By the time we had finished, I think we all had a pretty good buzz.

"You guys ready?" Stan asked.

"We should all shot gun one before we go," Kenney suggested.

No one argued as we all chugged a can. By now, we were all feeling great.

"Okay Butters, you get ten minutes, and then the rest of us are going to split up and find you," Cartman said one more time.

"I just don't understand why you guys need to follow me. I don't want to go alone," Butters protested.

"Well Butters, that's what you get for choosing to be a gay ass villain when we were kids," Cartman replied. "And if I were you, I would start going. You only have nine minutes and twenty-three seconds left."

Butters quickly fled after that. Stan came up to me and handed me another beer. "Partners?"

"Obviously," I chuckled, opening the can.

After the ten minutes, we all dispersed in groups of two. Stan and I decided to look around main street, when something more interesting caught my eye. There was a young, (h/c) haired girl about our age, who was being harassed by some drunk idiots.

"Stan, dude, stop," I told him trying to get a better view of the situation.

The man was holding her wrist, and it was evident that she didn't want to be there.

"Dude, we gotta go help her," I instantly said, running down the street.

Stan tried yelled for me to wait for him, but I had no time to wait. That girl really is defenseless right now, and it could easily end badly.

"Let me go. I was just dropping something off!" the girl snarled at the man, trying to break her fist away.

"I don't think so," the large man taunted her.

"She said to get off of her," I grunted, running up to the man and tackling him.

I quickly rolled off of him, and Stan come in just in time to kick the man in the stomach. We both then took a step away from him as he rose to his feet.

"Why the hell are you dressed like that? Freaks!" the man yelled, before rushing down the alleyway.

I instantly looked to the girl who had been knocked to the ground when I tackled that guy. I took her hand and helped her to her feet, looking into her (e/c) eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her.

She nodded but didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. The girl was rather striking.

"Hey, dude, I see Butters, let's go," Stan said.

I looked back to her and gave her a cheeky smile before the two of us ran down the street after Butters.

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