Chapter Nine

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*Your P.O.V.*

I decided to start an investigation to figure out which boy was the Kite. I was able to rule out Butters, Token, Cartman, Scott, and Tweek right away. I wanted to rule out Clyde as well, but I thought that maybe the Kite was talking in a different tone to disguise his identity. This whole thing was silly, but I'll be the first to admit that it was rather fun to try and figure out.

I also decided that I would rule out Stan, Kyle, and Craig as well seeing that they were all in relationships. That left Kenny, Clyde, Kevin, Peter, Mark, Bill, Tommy, Bradley, Gregory, and Pete.

Most of those guys I hadn't even talked to while I had been here. I thought about asking some of the girls, but I didn't want them to know what I was up to. I figured I would start with my class, and if I didn't get any answers I would start talking to the rest of the school.

I started my investigation that morning in my first period class, where I saw Kenny.

I guess I need to start somewhere.

"Hey, Kenny," I greeted.

He looked confused to be talking to me at first, but a smirk was quick to form on his face. "Hey, (Y/N), what's up?"

"I just wanted to know what you did this weekend. Any mysterious plans? Secret rendezvous? A kite?" I asked, each word that came out of my mouth making me sound stupider and stupider.

Kenney gave me a weird look in response. "I'm not sure what you are talking about...are you okay? Or is this just some weird freak shit you are into? I can be down for anything if you are hot enough, and I think you're hot enough...but I'm going to need a little more back story."

Oh my god I am such an idiot...

"No, no, please forget that we ever had this conversation," I stuttered feeling overly embarrassed.

*Kyle's P.O.V.*

I walked into the room, Bebe still attached to my hand when I overheard what Kenny was saying to (Y/N), as she walked away embarrassed.

"I can be a kite if you want," Kenny called after her.

She shook her head, still avoiding his gaze. I looked to Stan to see if he had noticed, but Wendy was too busy chatting his ear off.

"Oh, Wendy, (Y/N) is in here. We should talk to her about cheerleading," Bebe suggested.

"Wait, so are you guys like friends?" I questioned.

"Well obviously, I just made it clear that we are together. After that, there was no issues," Bebe smiled.

"Yeah, we think that she would make a good cheerleader. We're trying to replace Lisa Berger," Wendy commented.

The two girls continued to chat as they approached (Y/N). Kenny soon came over to us, and I was worried that he'd say something about his conversation with (Y/N), but Cartman soon came into the room, talking about something irrelevant, making it so Kenny didn't get a chance to say anything.

We're in the clear for now. 

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